The trap that Khairul set up for Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti


Umno Youth Deputy Leader Khairul set up a trap that doubled as a pre-emptive strike that caught Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti by surprise. Now they do not know whether they should take the risk of suing and have all the details of their espionage and treason exposed in court.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

While not many expected the US Justice Department and the US Attorney General to hold a press conference on 20th July 2016 regarding the civil action to recover US$1 billion, which they said belonged to 1MDB, even less expected was the police report that the Deputy Umno Youth Leader, Khairul Azwan Harun, made.

You can read the two previous articles (Abu Kassim caught in his own web of deceit and Are Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti going to face charges of treason?) regarding this matter.

It makes one wonder whether Khairul’s police report was a pre-emptive strike or a trap. In fact, it even looks like a combination of both. While the police report torpedoed the follow-up action to the 20th July press conference, it also set up a trap that outgoing Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Abu Kassim Mohamed, former Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, and former Bank Negara governor Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz might be well advised to steer clear of.

Two nights ago was Abu Kassim’s farewell dinner where he, Gani and Zeti were supposed to have held a joint-press conference regarding the 20th July 2016 press conference by the US Justice Department and the US Attorney General. At this press conference they were supposed to call for the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

Simultaneously, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was supposed to have held a press conference in Jakarta telling the international media basically the same thing and a repeat of what he has been saying since December 2014.

Both these events were aborted, and when the media asked the three for their comments, Gani responded that this is merely political play while Abu Kassim and Zeti refused to comment and said they will consult their lawyers first before responding. And the Malaysiakini news report below clearly shows that the three are part of the Pakatan Harapan and ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) operation.


Khairul and his lawyer, Shafie Abdullah, are on stand by and are waiting for one or all of them to sue. And this is why I say I suspect that Khairul has set up a trap for them to walk into. Once they sue and this case goes to court, a lot of shit is going to hit the fan.

The court is going to be told that Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti all flew to the US to meet the US authorities. They flew separately and took different routes but rendezvoused in the US.

They then met the US authorities to discuss what information and documents they needed to help fix up Najib. The documents would then be discussed and the court would be told that some of the documents had actually been doctored or fabricated to strengthen the US case against 1MDB.

1MDB would testify that no one from the US contacted them and they, in fact, never lodged a complaint with the US authorities about any missing money. 1MDB would add that the truth is they have never suffered any theft of money as alleged.

The court will further be told that the meeting Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti held with the US authorities was not a government sanctioned or approved meeting. This was not a G-to-G arrangement but a personal arrangement that was for all intents and purposes off the record.

In other words, it was a rogue operation.

In essence that was what Khairul said in his police report so there is no libel, slander or defamation involved. The court will be told that what Khairul alleged in his police report is true and everything he alleged did happen. That would be what the court will hear.

From the looks of it, if any of the three or all three choose to take this case to court, the noose will tighten around all their necks even more. And I was told this is precisely what Khairul hopes they will do — take the case to court — so that they can be totally demolished in court.

So let us see what happens over the next few days. The police are already involved and they are due to call Khairul in for his statement to be recorded. Chances are Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti would also be called in for their statements to be recorded as well.

And after that we can enjoy the court case that will unfold where the details of how they planned to force Najib to resign with the help of the US Justice Department and the US Attorney General based on information and documents that Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti supplied to them ‘under-the-table’, some which were doctored or fabricated.

