Penang snap elections: self-interest, dynastic preservation and bruised egos

Lim Guan Eng

KS Lee

It has become a practice for the Opposition to abuse the electoral process as and when it suits them. PKR has done this once too often, and has found the outcomes were not as expected. But this has not deterred DAP who is bent on forcing a snap election.

Let us briefly review how the Opposition has been abusing the electoral process particularly in Penang. In PKR, Anwar Ibrahim decided to force a by-election in Penang, which was described by political analysts as a ‘meaningless victory for Pakatan’.

With only 46.51% voter turnout it was a total washout; considering the elections were held in the opposition’s home-ground. According to the Elections Commission, the Penanti election voter turnout was the worst in history since 1955.

The incumbent, Mohammmad Fairus Khairuddin was accused of non-performance as well as corruption and Dr Mansor Othman was fielded. Ironically, Dr Mansor was also rapped for non-performance and removed as DCM I. Millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money went down the drain on an elections that should not have been held.

Lim Eng Guan’s snap election could also produce a similar ‘washout’. LGE, can such results be considered as the peoples mandate for you to stay on?

The rakyat are fed up and tired of the shenanigans of the DAP and the opposition in general. After the Sarawak and Kuala Selangor elections, the people in general do not want to face another election, a state election that would cost millions of the taxpayers’ money.

After Penanti came the two Permatang Pauh elections in 2008 and 2015, which were all about Anwar Ibrahim.

In 2008, Anwar was convicted and had to vacate his seat. His wife Wan Azizah stood in the by-election and won. This is understandable.

The next two elections were forced by Anwar, KETUM of PKR, to bolster his position, realising his dream of being Prime Minister was not within his grasp in the near future. Wasting public funds and inconveniencing the public was not even considered by Anwar. All that was motivating him was the position of Menteri Besar (MB) of the richest state and its coffers. Also, he felt as MB he would have more stature with Putrajaya and internationally.

Of course, Anwar never considered even for a moment what a fall it would have been if he were convicted of sodomy after being appointed as MB. But his ambitions of being MB of Selangor was frustrated when the Court of Appeal overturned his acquittal of the second sodomy charge.

Visibly shaken by the Court of Appeals decision, Anwar still not giving up hope of control of Selangor and he made his dutiful wife, Wan Azizah, step in.

The Kajang state was vacated by incumbent Lee Chin Cheh. Wan Azizah won the state seat with a slightly reduced percentage. Voter turnout was also lower by 16 %. Kajang was one of the most expensive costing almost RM1.6 million.

It must be noted that the Kajang by-election involved only one constituency. The proposed snap Penang elections would involve 40 constituencies, and the expenditure would be about RM50 million. LGE, please consider whether such expenditure is justified to bolster your bruised ego.

The Kajang move did not bring the desired outcome. Placing the incumbent Chief Minister Khalid Ibrahim who was doing a good job on the sacrificial-alter also did not work to Anwar’s favour. The Sultan of Selangor, aware of the political maneuvering by Anwar and gang, instead appointed Azmin Ali as MB.

The Kajang move was a colossal disaster. With such factors confronting you, LGE, and knowing forced elections may not produce do you still want to go in that direction?

Well, LGE is bent on forcing a snap election, despite the history of failed forced elections before him. His claim of getting a fresh mandate and being a referendum on his arrest seem rather feeble. At the moment Pakatan has a clear majority and therefore a definite mandate.

Referendum on his arrest? Even with the whole of Penang citizenry backing, the charges against him will not change a bit. He will most probably be found guilty as charged. It is unbelievable that a seasoned and astute politician like LGE could have got himself entrapped in such a political mess. Buying a house below market price from Phang Li Koon may not seem wrong to many people. It would not be wrong and in fact would be thought to be a good deal if LGE had been an ordinary citizen which he is not. Related to the sale there are issues about preferential treatment in land deals, LGE’s wife Betty Chew was a director in one of Phang’s companies.

The DAP party elections have been delayed to ensure that LGE still has an iron grip on party decisions as Secretary General to choose ‘all his men’ who he can trust. There has also been talk that he is also seeking an avenue to ensure his legacy continues. That Betty Chew is likely to be fielded as a candidate is increasingly rife. Also circulating is news that Lim Kit Siang may want to considered.

LGE’s machinations are motivated by self-interest and preservation. But PKR is reluctant to agree to the snap elections as it fears it may lose some of the seats it holds. This is more so as PAS has indicated it will contest in all constituencies. Deep hemorrhaging is visible within Pakatan. Will LGE seek to assuage the bleeding and put the interest of Pakatan Harapan before self-interest, or surgically cut off PKR from the Pakatan as he did PAS?

At the moment, LGE is cautious because he needs the support of PKR to dissolve the state assembly. Further he needs the approval of the Governor too. Though the Governor is said to be on good terms with CM, he will put the interest of Penang and the nation first. He may and should take a leaf from the Sultan of Selangor’s book and withhold his approval.

It has been well documented that by-elections draw a lower vote turn out. Pakatan and DAP will win. But what are the implications if it is with a reduced majority? It would be more damaging if Malay and Indian votes are reduced.

What would a reduced majority mean to LGE’s claims of fresh mandate and referendum?

No one needs to dot the lines as it is quite obvious but I will as LGE and DAP seem to have lost their thinking caps! A DAP win with a reduced Malay and Indian support would only prove DAP is a Chinese chauvinist party motivated by self-interest. The veneer of inclusiveness will crumble and DAP would show its naked self to Malaysians. The cost of a snap election could be incalculable to DAP.

