What Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti feared most


When the IGP announced that the police was closing the case on the three Tan Sri they breathed a huge sigh of relief. If the police had investigated Khairul’s police report then more than just the trip of the three Tan Sri to the US would have been revealed. The investigation would have been wound back to early 2015 and Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti would really be in deep shit.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The three Tan Sri — former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Abu Kassim Mohamed, former Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, and former Bank Negara Governor Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz — breathed a huge sigh of relief when the IGP announced that the investigation into Khairul Azwan Harun’s police report is now closed (and marked NFA or No Further Action).

This has given the three a new lease in life because had the investigation proceeded then it would have had drastic results for the three Tan Sri and, as they say in the west, the shit would have really hit the fan. The investigation would not only have revealed what Khairul said was true, it would also have revealed many other secrets as well, secrets that the three Tan Sri would rather remain buried.

In fact, for those who have been following the ‘1MDB Saga’, which Malaysia Today has stripped and laid bare piece by piece since early 2015, most of what we are going to say is already ‘old news’ and something that you have might have read before. However, humans have a memory of only 100 days, as the Russians said, so probably many of you have forgotten what we said over the last 18 months. Allow me, therefore, to take you on a trip down memory lane.

When the IGP initially announced that the police would be investigating Khairul’s police report, it sent a panic through the ranks of the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign), Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad included. The three Tan Sri were especially scared because once the investigation is launched it would look into events from the very beginning and much of what they have been doing in the effort to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is far from kosher and downright illegal.

There are many issues that have still remained unanswered and many of these secrets are just floating on the surface and have not quite been buried yet. Hence the smell is still very strong and if someone were to come close to them and start digging them up the three Tan Sri would be really in hot soup. So it is not in their interest for the police to investigate Khairul’s police report lest more than what they are looking for surfaces, which will happen for sure if they start probing further.

Worse still would be if a Special Task Force were set up to investigate the allegation that Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti are involved in espionage and treason by their act of giving Malaysian government secrets to a foreign power with intent to topple the government. After all, Mukhriz Mahathir himself admitted two days ago that their objective is to oust the Barisan Nasional government. And Mahathir, too, has confessed many times that all he wants is to oust the Prime Minister, even through street demonstrations and chaos if necessary.

It is no secret and they have never denied that they want to trigger a ‘Malaysian Spring’ like what happened in a few Middle Eastern countries. And Mahathir also said they need the help of foreign countries to be able to bring down the government. This has all been openly stated and they hope that the US will intervene and help oust the Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional.

So once the Special Task Force is set up and an investigation into the allegation against the three Tan Sri is launched, all this and more are going to be revealed. And there would be no way the three and many others in the ANC can escape allegations of treason for being involved in espionage by giving Malaysian government secrets to a foreign power.

Further to that, it would also reveal that a Special Task Force to investigate 1MDB was illegally set up without Cabinet approval in May 2015. This was the press statement issued by that Special Task Force on 7th July 2015:

Bank Negara

Now, Malaysia Today has written about this before. The Special Task Force was set up in May 2015. The reason the Special Task Force was set up, according to them, was as a response to The Wall Street Journal report on 1MDB in early July 2015, around the time of that press statement above.

But then how could they set up a Special Task Force in May 2015 in response to The Wall Street Journal report on 1MDB that was published two months later in early July 2015? Furthermore, this Special Task Force was set up in secret without the knowledge or approval of the Cabinet.

So the Special Task Force was not set up to investigate The Wall Street Journal story as they claim. It was set up two months BEFORE The Wall Street Journal story. The real reason the Special Task Force was set up was to help The Wall Street Journal come out with its story. In other words, those ‘inside sources close to the investigation’ that The Wall Street Journal story quoted are actually members of that Special Task Force.

And this is what the three Tan Sri are worried would be revealed if the police investigate Khairul’s police report and the investigation starts from the beginning of the ‘1MDB Saga’. It would reveal all the events to support the allegation that the three Tan Sri had their hands in the conspiracy to oust the Prime Minister.

All this talk about the Special Task Force being set up as a result of The Wall Street Journal story and to investigate The Wall Street Journal story would be proven hogwash. What would be proven instead is that the Special Task Force was set up to assist The Wall Street Journal in coming out with their story. And the so-called ‘inside sources close to the investigation’ that The Wall Street Journal talks about are the three Tan Sri who are heading the Special Task Force.

What will also be revealed is that the charge sheet, that the MACC later said was fake, was prepared in May 2015, BEFORE the formation of the Special Task Force and BEFORE The Wall Street Journal story. So, they had already planned to blackmail Najib with arrest if he does not resign not because of the investigation by the Special Task Force or because of The Wall Street Journal story, like they said.

And the investigation would also reveal how Sarawak Report got a copy of that charge sheet and many other documents and from whom, which most people already know anyway. The fact that Sarawak Report is always ahead of even Malaysia’s mainstream media should be evident enough that they have ‘inside sources close to the investigation’ as they and The Wall Street Journal both claim.

What would be even more interesting would be once the investigation reveals that Abu Kassim knew all along about the RM2.6 billion and that the money did not come from 1MDB but from Arab donors — which he, in fact, announced only in August 2015 although he had known this earlier.

And it will also reveal that Zeti, too, knew all along about the RM2.6 billion and that the money did not come from 1MDB but from Arab donors. In fact, Zeti was fully aware of the arrangement and had been kept abreast of it and even suggested the best way to do it to avoid suspicion and complications. In short, the way the RM2.6 billion was transferred was her idea.

And what will now be raised is: if Zeti knew all along about the RM2.6 billion, just like Abu Kassim did, and if the entire arrangement was set up not only with her knowledge but based on her suggestion, then why did she keep quiet all this while? Why did Zeti not come out and confirm that the RM2.6 billion was a donation from Arabs and not stolen from 1MDB?

Furthermore, Mahathir said that RM42 billion and maybe even more than RM50 billion of 1MDB’s money had disappeared into thin air. In other words, 100% or maybe even 120% of 1MDB’s money had been stolen. Now, Bank Negara would know whether this is true or not because that is just too much money to disappear just like that. Why did Zeti just keep quiet and not say whether what Mahathir alleged was true or false?

Zeti had failed in her duties and she has allowed the lie that RM42 billion and maybe even more than RM50 billion of 1MDB’s money had disappeared into thin air to continue, as well as the lie that RM2.6 billion of 1MDB’s money had been transferred to Najib’s personal account. Zeti knew this was not true and all she needed to do was to say it was not true. But she did not. She just kept quiet and allowed the lie to go on and on whereas she could have stopped this lie a year ago.

So that would be what the investigation would look into and would discover. Hence the reason why the three Tan Sri were scared like hell and were relieved when the IGP announced ‘case closed and NFA’. The three Tan Sri should get down on their hands and knees and kiss the feet of the IGP (or maybe they have already done that).

But why would the three Tan Sri risk so much by going to the US to feed the US government with Malaysian government secrets when they already have so much to hide and cannot afford for any probe into their affairs? I mean we are talking about espionage and treason here so what can be worth that risk?

Well, they have no choice really. As Malaysia Today had written before, Mahathir likes working with people who have skeletons in their closet and he will appoint these people to important posts because such people can be blackmailed.

And the same goes for Abu Kassim, Gani and Zeti, who most Malaysians know have dirty fingers as well. Mahathir has a file on all these people and if they do not do what the old man wants he will expose them. And this is what a police investigation would also reveal.

Zeti’s husband is involved in a currency-printing scandal, Gani is involved in the Pulau Batu Puteh a.k.a. Pedra Branca scandal, while Abu Kassim is involved in the Amanah Raya scandal together with Rashpal Singh, the link-man between MACC and Sarawak Report.

So they are all not clean and all have scandals. And Mahathir has all their files. So they have no choice but to do what Mahathir says or else they are going to be stripped naked and exposed for the rascals that they are. And that was why Mahathir managed to get them to go to the US to give Malaysian government secrets to a foreign power even at the risk for being cited for treason. It is because Mahathir had his gun to their heads. And did not Mao Zedong say political power grows out of the barrel of a gun?

