Abdul Rahman: No forgiveness for Malaysians who abet foreign elements

Abdul Rahman Dahlan

(Bernama) – Umno members have been told to be cautious and not to be influenced by external elements with an agenda to disrupt the political stability and economy of the country. 

Barisan Nasional (BN) Strategic Communications director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said some quarters were attempting to interfere into the affairs of the nation openly and covertly.   

“As a small country with trade around the world, we should be taught to see attempts by these, parties especially foreign powers with their respective agendas. 

“We can see the elements that are out in the open, but it is the covert approach that makes us worry and in the end, the people may not be able to see the difference, good and the bad,” he told reporters after opening Lenggong Umno’s Wanita, Youth and Puteri delegates meetings, here today.    

He was referring to the allegations by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) which linked Malaysian figures on alleged abuse of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds.  

Abdul Rahman, who is an Umno Supreme Council member, expressed his disappointment that a small group of leaders in the country were in cohorts with such foreign elements.  

“There will be no forgiveness for those who abet foreign elements,” he said.
