Nurul Izzah checkmates Azmin Ali and Lim Guan Eng


The Third Force

Let’s get straight to business.

The president of PKR, Datin Seri Wan Azizah, has just three things on her mind. First, she wants Dato’ Seri Azmin Ali to relinquish his post as Menteri Besar of Selangor. Thereafter, she wants to find a reason – any reason – to sack him from the party. Finally, she wants Lim Guan Eng to step down as Chief Minister (CM) of Penang and as secretary-general of the DAP. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants the two guys to go to hell.

Down south in Sungai Buloh serving jail time, her husband, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, himself does not have good tidings for Azmin or Guan Eng. But what he does have is a fourth goal. And that is, he wants to make damn sure that former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad fails in his bid to make Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir Prime Minister by 2021.

Against this backdrop, both Mahathir and Azmin are very busy plotting Wan Azizah’s ouster as PKR president. The duo has resolved to find a way to sweep her and her daughter, Nurul Izzah Anwar, out of PKR together with the rest of the trash before November, a date since revised from September.

So you can see how all of this is turning into a disturbingly destructive cycle. Neither one team knows what the other has planned for tomorrow. But they’re dead sure they can never agree on anything, with each side convinced that the other needs to be destroyed. Yet, there are those who believe that they’re the ones who are going to ‘save Malaysia’.

Now, all of this has been going on beneath the shadows ever since Mahathir launched his ‘save Malaysia’ campaign. The thing is, everything that Mahathir ever touches tends to turn mustard. The last time he led UMNO, he got crony capitalists to bankroll the party’s war chest and labelled the party Mahathir Sdn Bhd. Today, he is pandering to turn PKR into Azmin Sdn Bhd, which is why he needs Azmin to kick Wan Azizah and her daughter out from their comfort zones by hook or by crook.

Notwithstanding the above, on the 30th of June 2016, Guan Eng was charged by the Penang High Court for engaging in criminal acts while serving as CM. Despite pleading not guilty, Guan Eng came out in public to declare that he could never be saved. By implication, not only did he deliver a guilty verdict upon himself, he is now suspected to have entered a false plea at the High Court.

But he didn’t just stop there. The CM persisted to subvert criminal proceedings that had commenced against him by accusing the ruling Barisan Nasional of conspiring to “finish him off.” A police report has yet to be lodged against him on counts of subverting his trial and undermining the court’s jurisdiction.

Now, all of the above is the long and short of what has been going on these past few months. It was necessary for me to brief you of these developments so as to present to you a background to what I’m about to say. However, I’ve written on these issues to a reasonable depth before and have included links to past articles on the subject below. I encourage you to go through them after you’re done reading this article. That way, you’ll be able to paint a clearer picture of who is who and what is what.

Moving on, yesterday, I wrote an article titled Wan Azizah is holding the Penang Chief Minister to ransom (refer There, I presented a very detailed analysis of the anticipated outcome should snap elections be called for in Selangor and Penang.

To recap, a PKR delegation led by Nurul called in to Guan Eng’s office in Komtar on the 20th of July 2016. Thereafter, everyone present convened to a meeting and hashed out the possibility of dissolving the Penang state assembly. Guan Eng, who has long denied Chow Kon Yeow his rightful position as CM, argued that a snap poll was necessary to ‘save Penang’. On the surface, Guan Eng seemed to be honest with the ambition. However, sources reveal that he had secretly wanted an outsider, Anthony Loke Siew Fook, to contest a ‘DAP hot seat’ with hopes of turning the latter into the next CM.

Then suddenly, things tool a turn for the worse. Nurul threw a bolt from the blue at the meeting by announcing that PKR would only support Guan Eng’s proposal on condition that the DAP agreed to hold concurrent elections in Penang and Selangor. A disagreement ensued, following which Guan Eng scrubbed plans for a snap election in Penang.

Sources reveal that Nurul had deliberately popped the Selangor proposal to put Guan Eng in a spot. She knew as much as Guan Eng did that Pakatan Harapan would never survive Barisan Nasional’s onslaught should the Selangor assembly be dissolved anytime soon.

Now, we did the math yesterday (refer again to We already know that the odds of Pakatan Harapan winning with a comfortable majority in Penang would more than double if Guan Eng were to dissolve the state assembly without PKR’s blessings. By that reasoning, let us go ahead and assume that Guan Eng does dissolve the state assembly tomorrow on a unilateral basis.

The question we now need to ask ourselves is this – would Wan Azizah also call for the dissolution of the Selangor state assembly?

She would, at Nurul’s behest. But before you get all excited, let me explain.

While Wan Azizah is undoubtedly a headless chicken, she is able to come up with extravagant and mind blowing schemes these days, simply because it is her husband and daughter who are now doing the thinking for her.

Having said that, Nurul knows better than anyone that Selangor would see a return to Barisan Nasional rule should a snap election be called in the state. So we can be sure that a poll will never take place in Selangor, whatever the circumstances. It never really was in the cards to begin with. In other words, Nurul’s Selangor proposal was a trap.

So who was Nurul trying to trap, and how?

Let’s go with the ‘how’ first. Sources seem to think that Nurul plans to get her mother to issue a public statement in the event Guan Eng triggers a snap election in Penang. In that statement, Wan Azizah will announce the need for a poll to be conducted in Selangor. She will openly accuse Azmin of going against the party’s wishes by working with Mahathir and argue that the people of Selangor need to be given a chance to decide if they trusted his leadership.

Of course, Wan Azizah can never meet the ruler to trigger the dissolution of the state assembly. She can’t, simply because she isn’t the Menteri Besar – Azmin is. Which is why, she will proceed to instruct Azmin to seek an audience with the ruler to dissolve the assembly. She will get Nurul, Saifuddin Nasution and Rafizi Ramli to support her proposal for the dissolution.

Question is, will Azmin follow her instructions and trigger a snap election in Selangor?

Don’t be silly – of course he won’t. Nurul herself knows that Azmin would never do anything to jeopardise his position as Menteri Besar. But I’m told that it is exactly what Nurul hoped for. Remember Langkah Kajang? The last time a Menteri Besar from Selangor went against his party’s wishes, he got kicked straight out through the window. Well, that’s putting things rather simplistically, but you get the idea. Nurul had probably hoped and prayed that both Azmin and Guan Eng would fall for the trap.

Under the circumstances, Wan Azizah would immediately declare Azmin unfit to serve as Menteri Besar. She would openly protest his recalcitrance and unwillingness to put the party before his personal interests. That would leave us with Langkah Kangkang, where she will tell an aide of hers who is close to the Palace that the ruler had made a mistake in rejecting her nomination for the post of Menteri Besar the last time.

Perhaps now you better understand why Azmin found it absolutely necessary to get in touch with Guan Eng a day before the 20th of July meeting. Both Azmin and Guan Eng were said to have discussed Nurul’s clever little scheme at length to work the odds out. Following the meeting, they probably decided that the Selangor proposal was nothing but a very clever trap.

Now, some of you might be thinking, “Well yeah, sure, but Guan Eng could still go ahead and hold an election in Penang without Wan Azizah’s blessings. Why worry about Azmin?”

True. But you forgot one thing.

Guan Eng needs to make sure that Azmin is never ousted as Menteri Besar of Selangor and deputy president of PKR. If that ever happens, Azmin would be reduced to a literal nobody. And being nobody, Azmin would immediately lose Mahathir’s support, as the only reason Mahathir needs him is to topple Wan Azizah and gain control of PKR.

Ok. So that answers the question of why Guan Eng would need Azmin. But then, why would Guan Eng need Mahathir?

Now, I’ve addressed this many times in the past, and have provided the necessary links at the bottom of this article for you to study. Just to recap, Guan Eng’s father, Lim Kit Siang, has his hopes set on a March 2017 general election. He is counting on Mahathir to trigger a snap election by waging a war of an untold proportion against Barisan Nasional beginning the month of October this year.

Mahathir has credited to his cause of destroying Barisan Nasional and setting up a new party a whopping five billion ringgit. With such funds, the war of perception against the Prime Minister will take on dimensions never before heard in Malaysian history. Kit Siang hopes that his son’s charges would be wiped out together with Barisan Nasional once Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin becomes the Prime Minister of Malaysia by April next year.

See the bigger picture now? On the 20th of July 2016, Nurul had set a trap for both Azmin and Guan Eng to fall into. She gave the excuse that concurrent elections would have to be held in Penang and Selangor to give the impression that Pakatan Harapan was hell bent on ‘saving Malaysia’ and not Guan Eng. She put it down to a package deal that could never be avoided.

But the trap failed due to a discussion that took place between Azmin and Guan Eng the day before, where Azmin warned Guan Eng of Nurul’s intended proposal. The two are believed to have worked out the odds of a Pakatan Harapan victory in Selangor and decided that the coalition would concede defeat to Barisan Nasional in the event the state assembly was dissolved.

How am I doing so far, Guan Eng? Do you or Nurul want to come out and refute anything I have said so that we can have a media bloodbath? For instance, everyone wants to know in detail where the DAP and PKR gets its funding from. And I mean in detail. Care to share with us some of those details?

The picture is about to get even bigger, to the point that it will be mind blowing. I think Tunku Abdul Aziz may have an idea where this is all leading to. But I’ll go ahead and give Guan Eng another 24 hours to come out with the remaining truth. Can you do that much for us, Guan Eng?

Stay tuned guys.

Past articles you should refer to:

