Huan unfazed by Zenith’s suit

Huan Cheng Guan

(Malaysia Outlook) – Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Huan Cheng Guan unfazed by the defamation suit filed against him Consortium Zenith-BUCG (CZBUCG).

Pointing out that it was a legal action to zip his mouth from voicing out on perceived wrongdoings in Penang, the vocal PCM leader vowed to challenge the suit until the end of legal process,  even if it took him up to the Federal Court to win his case.

“I will fight the suit till the end to uphold his constitutional rights to speak up for the people on public interest issues.

“CZBUCG wants to shut me up from speaking about them and the Penang tunnel project via a court injunction.

“How can they try to shut me up on commenting anything at all or asking questions about a project funded by billions in state land owned by the Penang government?

“Very funny indeed. This is not your father’s land,” said Huan in his statement uploaded on his Facebook page.

Many netizens have shown strong support to the popular and vocal Penang-based politician stance to fight against Zenith’s suit till the end.

Huan has been a vocal critic against the DAP-led Penang government on various issues, including the proposed undersea tunnel across the northern Penang Channel to be built by Zenith.

Huan was handed a statement of claim by Zenith’s lawyers on Tuesday. Zenith is also applying for an injunction to prevent him from making any comments on the project.

A Malaysia-China joint venture company, Zenith said Huan was sued because he had allegedly tarnished the consortium’s reputation, and this allegedly had affected confidence of its financiers.

Zenith has claimed that the company had always been transparent in publicly explaining all issues pertaining to the projects for past three years.

However, it is learnt that Huan, who has not been cowed by Zenith’s legal action, may retaliate with full force against the suit by filing a counter suit of his own against Zenith and the Penang government for defaming him.

He is learnt to have instructed his lawyer to look into it.

