Azmin Ali’s Early Jump From Mahathir’s Sinking (Pribumi) Ship Came In The Nick of Time!


The Malaysian Observer

Call it foresight, women’s intuition or ‘the letter’ no matter what you call it, Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali has to be as happy a rescued Titanic passenger as he takes stock of what would have happened had he crawled completely into bed with Tun Mahathir.

And we were all witnesses to how he was snuggling up to Tun Mahathir during the public Save Malaysia circus. During that period, it looked for all means and purposes like Azmin Ali was making a play to set sail with Tun Mahathir.

Around that period, Azmin Ali’s actions and persona gave the impression that he was in open defiance against his party’s (PKR) leadership as well as the wishes of Pakatan Harapan in general. This defiance was demonstrated in both his publicly attempting to get PAS to rejoin the Opposition (Pakatan Harapan) fold and in his jumping on board Tun Mahathir’s now pretty much defunct ‘Save Malaysia’ hullabaloo or as Shakespeare would say; Much To Do About Nothing!

In all that he was doing during that period of time; Azmin Ali seemed like a man who believed that he had not one, but two (2) winning lotto tickets and was just waiting for the right time to cash in.

On the one hand he could neutralize Datuk Wan Azizah and vie for the post of PKR president and on the other hand he could tag along with Tun Mahathir and be Mukhriz’ deputy Prime Minister somewhere in the distant future.

Whatever plans he made, Azmin at some point realized that he was in possession of bogus lotto tickets! This reality caused Azmin Ali to retreat from Tun Mahathir and silently slink back into the shadows of Selangor. Many to this day still speculate to what caused Azmin to do a 180 from the course he had set sail on with Tun Mahathir.

Whatever prompted his backtracking from Tun Mahathir he is no doubt elated now as he sees the ship called Pribumi taking on water and starting to sink.

The ship’s taking on water must be largely placed in the hands of its commander and chief Tun Mahathir who not only continued to make after mistake in his miscalculation on what it would take to remove what he perceived as an obstacle (Prime Minister Najib Razak), but he compounded his mistakes by seemingly placing the ship in his acting captain Muhyiddin Yassin’s hands. It now seems like that latter decision may be the factor which tears a gaping hole in the ship causing Pribumi to sink.


