The ‘bomb’ that Mahathir will throw in March 2017


The Third Force

Last Sunday, the 16th of August 2016, I posted an article titled Mahathir’s and Pribumi’s secret agenda against multiracialism, which you can read by following the link below:

In that article, I spilled some beans on discussions that had taken place between former premier Dr. Mahathir Mohammad and a certain Tan Sri. Suddenly, everyone wants to know who this Tan Sri is. Some predicted that the Tan Sri was none other than Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah. Others put their money on Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin.

Wait. Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin? Really? Have you guys lost your minds?

Did anybody not tell you that Mamak Maidin is the greatest dunggu alive, one who is all mouth and little brain? He probably is the last person Mahathir would ever want to sit and plan his devious little schemes with. That’s another way of saying that “You can be damn sure the Tan Sri was not Mamak Maidin.”

It couldn’t be Tengku Razaleigh either, simply because the Tan Sri that Mahathir had met in August last year was in fact, a Chinese. And might I add, a perfectionist – this is one Tan Sri who is world renowned for laying ‘tactical gambits’ and striving to win every gamble he commits to. Tengku Razaleigh lacks that kind of zeal, let alone the intelligence.

So can you guess who the Chinese Tan Sri is?

Anyway, that’s not what I’m here to tell you. Today, I’m going to reveal a little secret that Mahathir kept hidden in his vault full of skeletons alongside his billions. This secret concerns a delicate detail that Mahathir discussed with the Chinese Tan Sri last August. However, the secret seems to be well known to a certain shadow movement within UMNO that has plans to sabotage the party come the 14th general election.

But first, a brief recap.

When Mahathir met the Chinese Tan Sri early in August last year, the duo sat down with one of Mahathir’s long time associates and discussed ways to force a resignation from Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. The meeting decided that Najib was unshakable and could only be removed through the ballot box.

The trio then convened to hash out the future of PKR together with the party’s deputy president, Dato’ Seri Azmin Ali. They explained to Azmin why it was inevitable that he wrested control of the party from its president, Datin Seri Wan Azizah, by September this year. It was then that the proposal to launch a ‘save’ Malaysia campaign suddenly cropped up.

The campaign was supposed to have been a yearlong affair that would have ended this month. If things had gone according to plan, Mahathir would have come out in September this year to announce a new party and the setting up of a Third Force. And that’s just a month away. But as you already know, the former premier has since launched his new party, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi). So things definitely did not work out quite as Mahathir and the Chinese Tan Sri had hoped they would.

For instance, some of Mahathir’s many minions, the likes of Mamak Maidin and Dato’ Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan, made huge tactical gaffes that derailed several ‘missions’ that were charted on Mahathir’s calendar. Others littered the ‘save’ Malaysia campaign with so many blunders, they virtually made a mockery of Mahathir and proved to the people that the former premier was nothing but a lying weasel.

Then, there was that other nagging uncertainty.

From day one, Mahathir was reserved about working with the DAP and PKR. He believed that Lim Kit Siang and Datin Seri Wan Azizah would put a ransom on his party. That is to say, they would have made unreasonable demands in return for their support to the Third Force agenda. Mahathir felt uneasy that he was forced to work with them. But he knew he had to, because what he had in mind was to kill two birds with one stone – destroy the opposition while defeating Barisan Nasional.

At this point, if you’re thinking, “What the fook,” I don’t blame you. Bear with me for the moment, as I unravel this devious and brilliant little scheme of his.

As fate had it, Lim Guan Eng, got himself tangled in a bungalow-for-land scam controversy and earned himself two charges on counts of corruption. The DAP secretary-general had nowhere to run, as his own party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) had secretly ganged up on him.

As a result, Guan Eng’s father, Kit Siang, was said to have pleaded with Mahathir to negotiate terms with Tan Sri Abu Kassim, the former Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) director. Rumour has it that Mahathir asked Abu Kassim to put a damper on the agency’s discovery into the bungalow-for-land scam controversy, to a point that the file would eventually be marked “no further action.”

In return, Kit Siang agreed to commit the entire DAP apparatus towards supporting Mahathir’s ‘save’ Malaysia campaign “with no further strings attached.” The senior Lim, in his heart of hearts, harboured hopes that Mahathir would destroy Barisan Nasional by April next year. At least, that is what Mahathir is believed to have told the senior Lim will happen.

There is just that much more detail to that story than I can put on paper. That said, do not for a minute doubt that Mahathir has credited to his cause of destroying Barisan Nasional a whopping five billion ringgit. Take my word for it. Part of that fund has already been expended to step up the world media campaign against Najib, while another part has been set aside to bankroll the setting up of Pribumi and a Third Force.

If things go smoothly, we should expect the former premier to come out by November or December this year to challenge Najib into calling for a snap election. However, there are those who have questioned the validity of this claim. According to some persons I know, Mahathir’s new party couldn’t possibly get a firm foothold in the political arena in such a short period of time even if there was more where the billions came from.

And that’s true. As a matter of fact, even the grand old man himself knows that his party could never win more seats than the DAP or PKR during the 14th general election. But then, did I ever claim that Mahathir wanted Pribumi to replace UMNO or to wield a dominating influence within the Third Force?

No. Not once did I say that.

But that’s the impression Mahathir is funnelling in the minds of Malaysians. He wants you to think that Pribumi was set up to replace UMNO once Barisan Nasional falls during the next general election. For this reason alone, part of the five billion would be spent to wage a five-month ‘no holds barred’ campaign against the ruling coalition, set to begin the month of October this year.

Can you see how the ‘war of an untold proportion against Barisan Nasional’ would be nothing but a game of perception? Can you imagine billions being spent just on a game of perception?

Midway through the campaign, Mahathir would come out to declare that his party and the Third Force were ready to bring UMNO and Barisan Nasional to heel. He would then challenge Najib to trigger the dissolution of parliament to “let voters decide if they wanted Pribumi or UMNO.” Mahathir hopes that the Malays will be fooled into delivering Pribumi a 14-seat entry into parliament.

Yes, fourteen seats. That’s all Mahathir wants.

But then, if Pribumi were to win less seats than the DAP or PKR, Pakatan Harapan would never let Mahathir dictate who becomes the next Prime Minister. That is assuming, of course, that the Third Force – a loose pact between Pribumi and Pakatan Harapan – does wrest control of government from Barisan Nasional.

So how would that work out for Mahathir? I mean, wouldn’t it be pointless for Mahathir to spend RM5 billion just to help Pakatan Harapan destroy the ruling coalition? What good would it do if he knows he can’t force the coalition to put the spotlight on his son?

Apparently, it’s not a problem for him. As a matter of fact, he would gladly spend another two or three billion if it would help secure a victory for the Third Force, never mind that the DAP or PKR dominates the poll. In the first place, it’s not his money – the five billion was pledged by persons I shall name in another article.

Moreover, the former premier is trying to impress upon Kit Siang and Wan Azizah that ‘saving’ Malaysia is the priority, not the number of seats Pribumi will garner. Patriotic, isn’t it?

However, what he failed to mention to Kit Siang or Wan Azizah was of a secret pact he had with the Chinese Tan Sri, who incidentally, has his tentacles lodged firmly within the inner circles of government. And that is precisely why Mahathir needs him.

Do you already have an idea how this ‘unholy’ pact is supposed to work?

Right after the setting up of a Third Force this November – a deadline Mahathir revised from the September cut-off point – the former premier would come out and challenge Najib to trigger a snap election in March 2017. By then, the former premier would have spent vast sums of money in a war of “an untold proportion” against Barisan Nasional, driving the perception that Pribumi was potent enough to cripple and replace UMNO.

Mahathir’s mission is for the Third Force to defeat Barisan Nasional with a 14-seat majority. He also wants Pribumi to win at least fourteen of the seats it contests during the polls. Now let us assume that the plan works, that Mahathir’s ambitions are fulfilled. Tell me, what would happen if seven of the fourteen Pribumi reps deflected to UMNO?

You’d have a hung parliament, that’s what. If I need to spell it out, then, representatives from the Third Force would be tied for seats with reps from Barisan Nasional.

Now, do you guys agree that it is not impossible for Pribumi to gain seven seats during the poll? As a matter of fact, PKR is so split these days, Malay moderates may even consider ditching the party in favour of Pribumi. With a five billion voucher to his credit, it is perfectly conceivable that Mahathir’s new party could bag the fourteen seats it desires during the next general election.

It could well be fourteen, ten, or nine even – it wouldn’t matter. But I think you already know where I’m going with this. If all Pribumi reps were to hop over to UMNO, Barisan Nasional would immediately return as government with a safe majority and wipe the opposition coalition off the map once and for all, whatever the means.

Assuming that Najib does trigger the dissolution of Parliament by March next year, Mahathir has in mind to get this Chinese Tan Sri to meet Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi as soon as results are made official. Of course, the purpose of the meeting would be to negotiate the planned deflections. During the meeting, Zahid would be offered the post of Prime Minister, the condition being that Mukhriz be made his deputy by hook or by crook.

But then, what about Muhyiddin?

Well, he’s a dog on a leash, which he himself knows. But there is little that he can do other than to fawn with servile compliance and do to Mahathir’s bidding. Otherwise, Mahathir would come out to explain why he cannot have a ‘sex maniac’ running the show. Of course, that is something the former deputy premier can never afford to happen.

Jolly good fun this stuff, isn’t it? Stick around guys. I’ll be back very soon with another tantalizing episode of the dumb and dumber.

