Mukhriz May Be Forced To Swallow His Words About; The (Prime Minister’s) Post He Didn’t Want!


The Malaysian Observer

It is fortunate for former Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir that with so many saying that he harbours the desire of becoming Malaysia’s Prime Minister that he can always point to the following statement as proof that he has no such desire.

“I actually don’t have ambition to become Prime Minister because I think it’s a tough job, especially now,” Mukhriz said. “If there is a change in leadership, the new person will be inheriting a mess. I don’t envy the next guy.” (here)

Now, of course no one actually believed him when he said it as every move his father made was seen as a means to place his son in position to make a run for the top post in the land.  In addition for a man who claims he does not seek the role of Prime Minister, one would have to ask; why would he accept a top leadership position in his father’s second fiddle to UMNO (Pribumi) political party; certainly among the “1 million signatures”, there had to be one deemed worthy enough to stand with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to make up the party bigwigs?

Had Mukhriz been sincere, he would have declined the position and opted to be the party’s secretary, advisor or sideline cheerleader.   Instead, he accepted a top leadership position right behind his father’s designated proxy PM Muhyiddin Yassin.

Again, many people foresaw what has now become the Pribumi line up when Tun Mahathir had been asked a few times not so long ago who he would like to see as Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister.  If you recall, when Tun Mahathir was asked this question he was mum on the subject.  Of course no one believed that a man who had an opinion about everything did not have an opinion about who he would like to see at the head of government.

So here we have on one hand the father not coming out and openly admitting that he wants his son to be in the Prime Minister’s post and on the other hand you have the son openly saying that he does not want to be Prime Minister. Not only that, but both father and son expect the rakyat to believe them.  This is the deceptive form of non leadership along with Muhyiddin Yassin’s troubles  which they want Malaysians to trust.

Pribumi is truly a sinking ship and its commander and chief is arranging the deck chairs as the ship goes down thinking it will make the passengers feel secure.

Now we see Tun Mahathir having his hands full not only with his plot to remove Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from office, but he also has to try to find another proxy replacement for Muhyiddin Yassin, help keep Mukhriz political dreams alive, find a way to keep his other son Mokhzain from getting convicted for insider trading and assist Lim Kit Siang in keeping his son Lim Guan Eng out of jail!  Other than that all of that one could say that Mahathir doesn’t have much on his plate to do!


