Plan B


Zam is under the assumption that any coalition seeking to rule Malaysia must necessarily have, as its foundation, the Ali-Ah Chong-Muthu race formula pioneered by Tunku’s Alliance.

Helen Ang

1. Zainuddin Maidin believes MCA is finished (“sudah hancur lebur berkarat”) and that DAP is currently the voice of the Chinese (“sebenarnya DAP telah menggantikan MCA sebagai wakil orang Cina “).

2. This means the old communal formula for power sharing between the races is effectively dead, at least insofar as the continued viability of the BN is concerned.

See Zam’s blog entry yesterday titled ‘Umno mestilah menerima hakikat bahawa MCA telah mati, Mahathir lihat DAP sebagai pengganti’.

3. Zam believes Tun Mahathir will be able to resurrect the BN “racial unity” pact through his party’s cooperation with the DAP (“Mahathir akan bekerjasama dengan Pakatan Harapan [PKR, Amanah dan  DAP] bagi memulihkan perpaduan  pembangkang”).

4. Zam is under the assumption that any coalition seeking to rule Malaysia must necessarily have, as its foundation, the Ali-Ah Chong-Muthu race formula pioneered by Tunku’s Alliance.

Therefore, if the Umno-MCA combo is no longer workable due to the MCA’s terminal condition, then the tried-and-tested race formula must be rehashed using the same measurements. Except that this time the replacement ingredients are Tun’s Malay party (replacing Umno) hooking up with DAP (Chinese party replacing MCA).

5. What Zam is offering up, i.e. Pribumi+DAP, is Option A. In short, Zam sees Tun’s party+DAP = refreshed Ali-Ah Chong formula

6. There’s always Plan B. Umno teaming up with PAS (and the Sarawak BN parties) have got enough numbers to retain Putrajaya.

7. The death of MCA does not automatically open the door wide for the DAP to move in and co-govern Malaysia as our country’s Chinese rep and as the new partner of the Malay majority.

8. Umno has the alternative choice of opening the door to PAS, slamming the door in the DAP’s face and allowing MCA to die a natural death.

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