G25: a group of morons


The G25 has to get its priorities right. If there was no religion there would not be any problems regarding religion and you would not need to fight to amend or correct the Federal Constitution. Leave the children alone and stop brainwashing and indoctrinating them into believing in nonsense. Then you G25 morons can go and concentrate on something more important.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The G25 or ‘Group of Eminent Malaysians’ is making such a big fuss over something that is actually the result rather than the cause of the problem. What a group of morons! Have they not heard the saying ‘cure the cause and not cure the symptoms of the disease’?

You need to cure the cause, not the symptoms, and once you cure the cause the symptoms will automatically disappear into thin air all by itself. And these morons call themselves the ‘Group of Eminent Malaysians’, kononnya.

I am referring to the news report from Free Malaysia Today, which you can read below. These G25 morons are arguing about amending or correcting the Federal Constitution of Malaysia so that the permission of both parents rather than just one of the parents is required before a child can be converted.

Of course, when we say converted here it means converted out of or into Islam. The G25 does not care two hoots if you convert from Hinduism to Christianity or leave religion totally to become an atheist. You can even pray to a giant teapot as far as the G25 is concerned just as along as it does not involve Muslims or converts to Islam.

Now let me get this very clear. According to the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan, which the G25 supports wholeheartedly, Malaysia is a Secular State. That is what DAP and its kuncu or minions in Pakatan Harapan insist. So, if Malaysia is a Secular State and not a Theocratic State, what business is it of the government in the first place what religion my children follow? Is that not something that Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, the Taliban, etc., would get so kaypoh about?

So, first of all the G25 needs to tell us whether Malaysia is a Secular State (like the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan says it is) or whether Malaysia is an Islamic State. If Malaysia is a Secular State then the government has no business interfering in matters concerning religion (such as the religion of our children) and if Malaysia is an Islamic State then PAS is correct in pushing for Hudud.

The G25 appears to want both. They want Malaysia to become a Secular State and at the same time tell Muslims what they can and cannot do.

Why is the G25 so concerned about the religion of our children? Okay, maybe a Muslim couple divorces and one parent converts his or her child or children into or out of Islam. And the G25 wants both parents to agree to this before their child or children can be converted into or out of Islam.

Why, in the first place, do they want to convert their children into Islam? I mean the father and mother may be Muslims and the mother gives birth to a child or children. And then some moron somewhere fills in that child’s or those children’s birth certificate and enters ‘Islam’ in the religion column. And then from that day on that child or those children are locked or trapped in Islam.

Did that one-day-old child ask to become a Muslim? Who are you to decide that that child has to become a Muslim? And until that child is 18 he or she cannot leave Islam because the parents or one of the parents decided that the child is a Muslim.

Is that called justice, which the G25 claims it is fighting for? It is like when a man who is a black slave marries a woman who is also a black slave and their child is born into slavery. The black child slave becomes the property of the slave owner and the slave owner can do what he likes with that child.

So, if a man who is a Muslim marries a woman who is also a Muslim then their child is born into Islam and becomes a slave of the system. The child cannot leave Islam and if the parents get divorced, and if one parent were to leave Islam, it becomes a very messy affair indeed.

Is not forcing a one-day-old child to become a Muslim and then for the next 18 years you brainwash and indoctrinate that child to become a ‘good’ Muslim a form of child abuse and violation of human rights? Then when the child becomes a terrorist you refuse to accept responsibility for turning your child into a zealot or fanatic.

In the first place a law should be passed to prohibit people from forcing religion onto minors. The child cannot vote or drive a car or get married or own a gun until he or she is of age. So that child should be allowed to decide whether to believe in God and follow a religion only when he or she is of age as well. The child is not old enough to vote or drive a car or get married or own a gun and yet he or she is old enough to have a religion.

And this applies to all religions. Why force your child to believe in statues and ancestor worshiping and force them to go to church or to a temple? Just because you believe in all that nonsense does not mean you have the right to force others to also believe in it even if it is your own child.

And after that they will all grow up into adults and fight about which religion is the true religion and which is the false religion and kill each other about all the nonsense they have been taught as they were growing up.

The G25 has to get its priorities right. If there was no religion there would not be any problems regarding religion and you would not need to fight to amend or correct the Federal Constitution. Leave the children alone and stop brainwashing and indoctrinating them into believing in nonsense. Then you G25 morons can go and concentrate on something more important.


G25: Make both parents consent to child conversion

Group of Eminent Malaysians says BM version of the constitution was changed without formal amendment when ‘parent’ was translated as ‘ibu atau bapa’ instead of ‘ibu bapa’.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The G25 Group of former senior civil servants has called for the Federal Constitution to be amended to state clearly that both parents should be required to consent to the conversion of a child.

G25 also urged the Federal Government to restore the words “ibu bapa” in the Bahasa Malaysia (BM) version of the constitution and pointed out that the 2002 edition of the BM version had used “ibu atau bapa” for the word “parent”.

In a statement today, the group implied that the constitution had been amended – without a formal amendment passed by Parliament – in changing the meaning of the word “parent” as used in the BM version of the constitution.

G25 said: “Clearly, for the word ‘ibu bapa’ to be changed to ‘ibu atau bapa’ would require an amendment to the Federal Constitution. But from what could be ascertained, there has been no such amendment.”

The G25 statement was made regarding the government’s plans to amend the law on civil marriages and divorce (Act 164) to give civil courts jurisdiction over civil marriages and divorce and related matters on custody and guardianship.

The prime minister, Najib Razak, had announced that amendments to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 would be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat in October to end a long-standing conflict in jurisdiction between civil courts and shariah courts.

Welcoming the prime minister’s announcement, G25 hoped that the amendments would end the “injustices suffered by non-Muslim wives” at civil courts since the Shamala case in 2004, where a husband converts to Islam and also converts the children without the wife’s consent.

“The common factor in all these cases was that the unilateral conversion was done to spite the wife and deny her custody of the children,” G25 said, and urged the government to amend the constitution as well, in order to nullify a Federal Court decision in the Subashini case in 2008, when the court ruled that the word “parent” meant either parent and not both parents.

G25 said the Bar Council and many legal experts believed the Federal Court ruling was wrong and that the constitution stated that words of the masculine gender included females and words in the singular include plural and vice versa.

G25 urged the government to nullify the Federal Court decision in the Subashini case by amending Article 12(4) of the constitution to make it very clear that the word “parent” meant both parents and not just a single parent.

