I’m not just another brick in your wall, Mahathir


The Third Force

What is up guys?

Quite a number of people are cracking their heads trying to figure out why it is that important for Dr. Mahathir Mohammad to make his son Prime Minister. Some say he is simply power crazed and just can’t fathom the idea of the country being led by anyone with an aristocratic lineage. Others say he has something to hide which the Prime Minister may have stumbled upon.

To be honest, it may be a little of this and a little of that. If you were to read an article Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) wrote in March earlier this year (link provided below this article), you’d have noticed how he spoke of funds the former premier had parked under the name of proxies, nominees and trustees. Then, if you were to traverse through time and revisit the era of Tunku Abdul Rahman, you’ll realise how Mahathir was heavily opposed to any form of aristocratic dominance within the party.

Like I said, it’s a little of this and a little of that. Which is why, it is important that we took a step back to rediscover a key factor – the most important one – that seems to be driving Mahathir towards wrecking the country, its economy, its administration and its constitutional monarchs. In an upcoming article, I will attempt to address questions that I think are on your minds, and not to mention, those that cropped up as a result of some articles I posted recently.

The whole purpose of this exercise is to stretch the level of comprehension on stuff that has been happening within the very enigmatic yet cryptic Mahathirian circle. Malaysians need to know that whatever they see happening today is the result of a power crazed man’s desperate attempt to safeguard the billions he ‘stole’ from UMNO.

Yes, it’s all about the billions. It has everything to do with what RPK spoke about last March – the proxies, the trustees, the nominees and all the rest of it. Sure, Mahathir does want to make his son a Prime Minister by 2021. But he has ulterior motives many aren’t aware of.

Some Muslim groups would argue that he’s a true patron of Islam. According to them – and I’ve met some up north, mostly in the Perlis area – Mahathir couldn’t possibly be a self-centred opportunist or a Machiavellian, simply because it was he who defended the use of the dinar against the dollar.

Well, that’s true. But these Muslim groups must also know that the same Mahathir is now defending his right to steal billions of ringgit from UMNO. Now how virtuous a Muslim can that possibly make him?

Still, nobody is saying that Mahathir is a total asshole. Truth is, everyone has a good and a bad in him or her. Believe me when I say that everything happens for a reason, whatever that reason may be. Like I recently stated, I am here for a reason, as are you, reading this article. Mahathir is a Machiavellian for a reason. Even the rapist who probably just raped an innocent girl somewhere in the world is a rapist for a reason.

So don’t spend your time resenting the fact that Mahathir exists, or the fact that he is a Machiavellian. Likewise, don’t start worshipping him or his virtues and decide that he is right and everyone else is wrong. But do realise, that you are connected to him and the Prime Minister one way or the other, whether you like it or not. You are, because you took the time to read this article.

If you can see that, then let it be known that you automatically assumed one of many roles with or without you realising it. For instance, you may either have decided not to give a damn, or to defend the Prime Minister. Perhaps, you decided to further expound on and maybe even inflate some of the damaging claims Mahathir made.

My role, as I see it, is to uphold the cause and administration of justice to help Malaysians see beyond Mahathir and his instruments. Sarawak Report is his instrument. So is Malaysia Chronicles. To fulfil my role, I need to let you know how and why Mahathir is doing what he is doing. The goal is never to attack Mahathir, but to eliminate the threat of Mahathirism.

Having said that, let us come together on a simple truth – Mahathir wants Malaysians to believe that not only is the government corrupt, it is evil and isn’t suited to run the country. To drive the point through, he got Pakatan Harapan leaders and several NGO’s to partake in a no holds barred smear campaign against the Prime Minister and UMNO to bring the ruling coalition to heel.

However, it is not that the former premier seeks a squeaky clean government or a more democratic nation, although, he may want you to think just that. Instead, he is trying to open the door for his son to be made Prime Minister by 2021. Once that happens, he believes that his son would be able to thrive on the billions he stole from UMNO to rule government for a great many years.

For that reason alone, he is willing to destroy Barisan Nasional and everything it stands for should Dato’ Seri Najib tun Razak refuse to resign as Prime Minister. But because Najib has declared that he isn’t about to go anywhere, Mahathir made it clear that he too isn’t about to back down.

Incidentally, when I said that Mahathir was willing to destroy the ruling coalition, I literally meant to destroy. To Mahathir, it wouldn’t matter if the economy or the country was fractured in the process. When it comes to millions, people are known to sell their souls like prostitutes to keep their wealth – even if it were ill-gotten – from spiriting out of their vaults. What more with billions.

Which is why, Mahathir got his associates to sabotage 1MDB and cause the firm’s credit rating to floor at levels that were far below pristine. He then came out to declare that Najib had stolen billions from the firm and dissipated more into thin air.

By doing that, he averted attention from the billions he himself stole to the billions he claimed were stolen from 1MDB. To make it all seem plausible, he got his cohorts to allege that Najib had laundered the firm’s money through bogus intermediaries abroad. What Mahathir really did was to shift the spotlight from a core issue to a non-issue.

1MDB is a non-issue insofar as Malaysian politics is concerned. It is purely a business concern that doesn’t relate to the rakyat, simply because it does not involve the rakyat’s money. What’s more, money from the firm was never really dissipated into thin air. To date, Mahathir has yet to adduce the cut and dry proof that money from the firm had been stolen. Yet, he insists that Najib perpetrated the alleged crime and is therefore not suited to run the country.

All of his claims ramped up anxiety among investors, who were already feeling wrong footed owing to the regional and global economic uncertainty. Mahathir’s target was the currency – he aimed to artificially plunge the ringgit to reflect that the economy was postured on poor fundamentals. He needed investors to believe that the country was in a state of turmoil.

To do that, he got his associates from local agencies of statute to forge documents and deliver them to Clare Rewcastle Brown. Clare built fairy tales around these forgeries and painted a picture of calamity through the Mahathir-run Sarawak Report. What she did was to imply that the Malaysian government was at the brink of a total collapse.

By doing that, Clare got businesses thinking that the ringgit was about to take a deeper plunge. A streak of fear sliced through investors, who began rolling back their commitments towards local stocks and government bonds. All in all, what she did exerted unnecessary downward pressure on the ringgit and caused Malaysians to hurt and suffer.

The hurt and suffering of Malaysians worsened when she continued to roll out editorials demonizing both Najib and 1MDB. Tian Chua compounded to the air of indignation when Malaysia Chronicles began publishing slanderous and libellous articles against Najib and the establishment. Had it not been for Malaysia Today, the people would probably have never known the truth.

So you can imagine how pissed Mahathir was with us. So pissed, he told an August 2015 meeting that Malaysia Today needed slapping down. According to my source, he was “incensed beyond any measure of restraint” and looked like a blowfish. Right after the meeting, he got Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah to get his nephew to ‘buy me out’. Dato’ Nik Azmi tried to turn me against RPK by saying that the latter was a thoroughbred opportunist.

I know RPK. He has a lot more common sense running through his veins than Nik and Razaleigh have combined. The people of the Third Word will attest to just how sincere RPK is. And common sense will tell you that Malaysia Today has become Mahathir’s sworn enemy. It was not by our design though, but by his own.

Yes, not only are we hurting him, we’re ripping his legacy a strand at a time, much like what the Japanese used to do with their victims, skinning them alive. The only difference is, the Japanese would rub salt on their victims’ bare wounds after ripping their skins off, while all we’re trying to do is to rearrange those strands to deliver the truth.

As it is, Mahathir is biting his nails trying to figure out what to do with me, RPK and Lim Sian See (LSS). Oh, I’m sure he doesn’t like LSS too. I mean, that guy has a knack for digging out stuff that catches us all by surprise, doesn’t he? Just recently, he showed us why our country was legally in a state of a declared emergency. Now who’d have figured that out?

Besides, whatever I’ve exposed thus far and will continue to expose these coming weeks constitute the tip of a very large iceberg. Did Mahathir think I was foolish enough to spill everything out in one gush? Doing what I’m doing, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that I have some silver bullets hidden in a crib somewhere.

Anyway, Mahathir has yet to affirm or deny any of the claims I have been making. Some say he is preparing a lawsuit to be thrown at my face. Others say he is trying his level best to drive the perception that none of what I said is true.

But the longer he stays silent, the bigger his funeral. I’ve told him before, and I’ll tell him again – never underestimate me or my desire to restore the balance of justice. I’m not just another brick in your wall, Mahathir. You haven’t the faintest idea what I stand for.

If nobody has yet to say it, then let me be the first to do so – Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak and Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are the best leaders Malaysians have seen to date. And I’m not lying. The country is on a runway towards great heights under their leadership. Believe me when I say this – we at Malaysia Today are not about to let anyone get in their way, be it Mahathir or even the Pope.

So Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir may as well concede defeat and bury his dreams of becoming Prime Minister. There is no more room in our hearts to accommodate his antics, even if he were to issue a public apology and confess to his father’s crime of subverting the Federal Constitution, government, the King and democracy.

Before I pen off, I’d like you guys to pose some legitimate questions in the comment section below. My only request is that you restrict your questions to the contents of articles I have been posting these past two or three weeks, the links to which I have included below. I promise to answer all your questions in the next article to the best of my ability.

Stick around, guys.

Past articles for your reference (including one by RPK at the top)











