Penang housing graft scandal – Uncle Lim grilled by MACC


(Malaysia Outlook) – After 72 hours of searching high and low, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had finally gotten the main man involved in the ‘housing graft scandal’ that had rocked the Penang government.

DAP lawmaker Lim Siew Khim’s father Lim Keat Seong was grilled for some five hours by MACC officials before he led the investigators to two houses where some documents were seized.

He was handcuffed when MACC officials took him out of the building at 6pm and escorted first to a house in Sungai Pinang and later to his house in Green Garden Paya Terubong.

Commonly known as ‘Uncle Lim’, Keat Seong was detained when he surrendered at MACC office in George Town at 1pm on Thursday.

The 68-year-old arrived with Siew Khim and a lawyer.

About 10 MACC and police officials who brought Keat Seong to 20th floor of Green Garden at 8pm searched his house for almost an hour.

Penang MACC director Abdul Aziz Aban said Keat Seong, 67, was later taken to a clinic for medical attention when he said that he was unwell.

“Keat Seong has given us his cooperation.

“Too early for us to say anything further at this point,” said Aziz.

Keat Seong was alleged to have collected money from people in exchange for getting affordable housing units.

Sungai Pinang assemblyman Siew Khim has however denied knowledge of her father’s business activities, adding that her father was not in a position to influence the decision-making process in selecting candidates for affordable housing.

