DAP rep admits confronting dad over housing scam rumours

lim siew khim (1)

(The Star) – Sungai Pinang assemblyman Lim Siew Khim (pic) admits that she confronted her father a year ago after hearing rumours about a “cash for housing units” scam.

“My father denied he was involved and the matter did not surface again,” she said at a press conference here, Saturday.

The DAP lawmaker added that she was not aware of a second video clip which implied she knew that her father, Lim Keat Seong, was involved in the scam.

“I am not aware of this matter and if someone has evidence, it should be given to the MACC,” she said.

The new video shows a screengrab of a WhatsApp conversation between a scam victim and a mediator. In the conversation, the mediator tells the victim that Lim had been contacted about the issue.

“I have given her one day to reply and find ways for the father to return the money,” the mediator tells the victim.

Another conversation showed Lim’s stepbrother Ong Hock Hin saying the Sungai Pinang assemblyman had asked for a meeting to be arranged with the aggrieved parties.

