When it comes to double standards, Lim Kit Siang reigns as King!

Kit Siang

The Malaysian Observer

Totally oblivious to the fact the he reigns supreme at the forefront of double standards, Lim Kit Siang sees the speck in everyone else’s eye and does not see the speck in his own.  (Here)

Since the very early stages in the 1MDB (1 Malaysia Development Berhad) investigation, Lim Kit Siang has been one of the main voices shouting that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should step down from office while an investigation is taking place.  Of course, he like other DAP leaders, Pakatan Harapan and Tun Mahathir knew full well that the Prime Minister had nothing to do with misappropriated funds, if there were any in the first place.

Still Lim Kit Siang wanted to take a high moral position to say that there was corruption at the head of government and as a result the Prime Minister should resign.  Lim continued his calls for the Prime Minister to step down even after the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) determined that there were no links to funds from 1MDB transferred to the personal account of Prime Minister Najib Razak.  Adding credibility to the report is the fact that the DAP’s own Tony Pua was one of the Public Accounts Committee investigators who came to the conclusion of the Prime Minister’s non involvement.  Of course, since signing off on the report Tony Pua has back tracked on what he had earlier signed off on.

Again, Lim Kit Siang had no trouble during the pre-investigative, the investigative and post investigative processes to state that Prime Minister should not remain in office.  However, (and there must be a however to this) when his son Penang Menteri Besar Lim Guan Eng said to have acquired property through what is looking to be illegal means, he (Lim Kit Siang) was either silent, saying it was a government plot to divert attention away from 1MDB or hinting that his son is innocent until proven guilty; moreover he suggested that his seed (Lim Guan Eng) should not step down from his post as Menteri Besar of Penang.

Strangely enough, Lim Kit Siang does not share the same innocent until proven guilty standard that he has for his son when it came to the Prime Minister.  When it comes to the Prime Minister both Father and son Lim say guilty until proven innocent.  And for them, Pakatan Harapan, Tun Mahathir and the other coup plotters, they care nothing about Prime Minister Najib Razak’s innocence; for them the goal has always been for the Prime Minister to be out of office before GE2018!

