DAP’s Dyana Dishy but Deceitful


Dyana, lies and deceit will not get you far; the sooner you realize this the better.

Suraya  Nur

Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, DAP Youth Leader, has been known to be less than truthful about herself and about issues, as was apparently clear during the Teluk Intan by-elections held in June 2014. But all her lies and staunch propping up by DAP and Lim Kit Siang did not help her to win.

Unfortunately, her first foray into politics has not taught her any valuable lessons, as she continues to disparage the Malays and lie about UMNO cheating Malays.

Looking back at the Teluk Intan elections, we saw Lim Kit Siang and other DAP strong men clucking around her like mother hens. Brooding over her they tried to shield her from answering questions that were thrown at her by journalists by stepping in to answer the questions. The journalists were exasperated, saying as an adult she had to speak for herself and state her stance clearly.

The flood gates were thrown open. Dyana’s answers were liberally peppered with half truths and outright lies. Maybe this was what ‘mother hen’ Lim Kit Siang feared.

First she claimed to be a lawyer but the Bar Council in a statement said she was not registered with them.

She may have completed her law studies at UITM but does that make her a lawyer? Is she such a naivete that she did not know she would be found out? Having been found, she gave some vague and unconvincing justification, about having an office but did not practice. Should not the Bar Council be investigating her?

In order to win the Chinese votes in Teluk Intan, she spurned and turned her back on her alma mater, UITM. And began to speak nobly about education for all. Why did she accept a place at UITM in the first place? Or were these liberal views on education suddenly acquired to face the Chinese electorate? However, she did not convince the Chinese voters and lost to Datuk Mah of Barisan.

How can Dyana claim to be cheated by UMNO and the government when she was offered a place in UITM, I fail to understand!

Next, came the tall tales she spun about the ties between Perkasa and her mother Yammy Sammat.

First, Dyana denied that her mother was ever in Perkasa. Then, pictures of her and her mother flanking the ultra Malay rights group leader, Ibrahim Ali which DAP called racist, began to flood the internet.

Then she was forced to change her story again. She claimed  her mother was a member of Perkasa only for a short period. But pictures of Dyana and her mother helping to recruit members for Perkasa were posted on the internet.

Again, another twist in Dyana’s ever changing tale. She finally admitted that Yammy was a founding member of the extreme Malay right wing. Yammy then went into hiding, resurfacing just a few days before polling day  to say she had quit Perkasa.

There is nothing wrong in being a member of Perkasa if it had been admitted to in the first instance.

Dyana’s duplicity was also noticeable in her dress and demeanour. On the campaign trail she wore demure baju kurungs. But in the damning photo with Ibrahim Ali, she was wearing a halter neck! Will the real Dyana stand up?

Initially, Datuk Mah Siew Keong, the BN candidate, might have appeared to be dull and staid when compared to the beautiful Dyana. But as the election campaign progressed, it did not take the constituents long to realize Dyana was nothing but a lying chameleon. Mah began to be seen as decent, sincere with no skeletons in the cupboard and more bankable which led to his win.

Dyana, lies and deceit will not get you far; the sooner you realize this the better. And you do not have to disparage race and country to gain support and be noticed.

