Amanah willing to let Pribumi contest in Malay-majority seats

khalid samad

(The Star) – Parti Amanah Negara said it is willing to give way to newly-formed Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi) to contest against PAS and Umno in Malay-majority seats.

Amanah communications director Khalid Samad (pic) said this will be the party’s stand during seat negotiations ahead of the 14th general election.

“They (Pribumi) will go for big Malay-majority seats and Amanah (will) take on seats with sizeable non-Malay voters,” he told reporters at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur Tuesday.

The Shah Alam MP said Pakatan Harapan component members therefore need to find a way to strengthen unity in their electoral pact.

“Pribumi may not necessarily join the Opposition coalition,” he said.

Amanah, a party set up by ousted members of PAS, had contested against the Islamist party in two previous by-elections, handing their common political rival Umno a clear advantage.

It had previously stated that it will field candidates in all seats traditionally contested by PAS, which is no longer part of the Opposition pact.

Since the break-up of Pakatan Rakyat last year, PAS has forged a political cooperation with less-established Parti Ikatan Bangsa Malaysia (Ikatan), creating a new political bloc called the “third force”.

