Mahathir-Anwar handshake – A betrayal


(Malaysia Outlook) – Social media commentator Raja Sara Petra slammed the handshake between Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim as a betrayal to those people, like her, who were dragged into the duo’s personal conflict

She said the fight between Dr. Mahathir and Anwar for past 18 years was never for democratic principles or the change as Malaysians were told.

She said the people were used as pawns and later forgotten in the political game of Mahathir-Anwar.

“The people were discarded when no longer convenient for them (Mahathir-Anwar).

“It is just as well the truth is revealed now before it is too late.

“So the fight was not really about change after all as we were told.

“It was just about power,” said political commentator Raja Sara Petra today, recalling the trauma she underwent when her father, Raja Petra Kamarudin was whisked away the police.

“Now that Anwar and Mahathir are friends again, are Anwar and Mahathir going to apologise to me for the 18 years of suffering I had to endure and the weekly trips I had to make to the Kamunting Detention Centre?”

Raja Sara recalled the incident when she was just 13 and in Form 1 when the police stopped her family car to drag Raja Petra, better known as RPK, away.

“I could see the anxiety on my mother’s face but could not really comprehend what was going on,” she said, adding that she basically did not know anything about politics then.

“I was only told that my father might be away for a long time. No one knew how long is long, though.”

Raja Sara however, remembered that she was told that her father had to be locked away because he supported Anwar, then the sacked deputy prime minister and Umno deputy president, and opposed then Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir.

She was led to believe that “supporting Anwar, opposing Mahathir, is a serious crime under Malaysian law.”


