Nonsensical demands on Mahathir


The opposition must realise that its support will continue to bleed as long as it keeps its head in the sand.

Shahril Ahmad, Free Malaysia Today

Let us begin this discussion by getting the facts out of the way. As the longest reigning Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad spent more than two decades in power and in that time put in place many of the mechanisms now used by the ruling party to frustrate the opposition. It was Mahathir who took away the check-and-balance power of the monarchy.

In the face of his old weapons being so deftly wielded against him, Mahathir has put together PBBM, which offers former DPM Muyhiddin Yassin as the opposition coalition’s Prime Minister candidate.

And the crows are coming home to roost with a vengeance. Mahathir’s history of silencing his political opponents has caught up with him as the people he seeks to cooperate with realise that the hour for revenge has come. For example, Saari Sungib, a former ISA detainee and now an official of Parti Amanah Negara, has added his voice to calls for Mahathir to show remorse and to repent.

Saari says he is more than willing to work with the old doctor, but he has imposed a condition: Mahathir must first own up to his alleged misdeeds and apologise openly to the people and to Anwar Ibrahim.

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