Is Muhyiddin clutching at straws?


Yet, where was Muhyiddin’s sympathy for Anwar during all those lost years?

Rahim Zainuddin, Free Malaysia Today

Ex-DPM Muhyiddin Yassin appears to be clutching at straws these days.

With his forlorn Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) struggling to gather support from the Malay electorate, Muhyiddin has now suggested that he was ready to work with PKR to secure the release of Anwar Ibrahim from prison.

“We cannot expect (Prime Minister) Najib (Razak) to free Anwar,” he was quoted as saying.

There is a condition attached, however. A BIG one. The public must first oust BN by voting for the Opposition at the next general elections.

Granted there are no eternal friends or enemies in politics, but Muhyiddin and Anwar had gone their separate ways almost two decades ago.

In 1996, Muhyiddin, then Minister for Youth and Sports and widely known as an Anwar loyalist, lost in the Umno vice-presidential election to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Two years later, Anwar was sacked as DPM, and Muhyiddin, not unlike everyone else in Umno, distanced himself from him.

Over the next seventeen years or so, while one flourished, the other plummeted like a star yanked from the sky.

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