Speculation grows over early polls in Malaysia


Proposed changes to voting districts seen as bid to help BN win back seats at next election

Shannon Teoh, Straits Times

Malaysia’s Election Commission yesterday published changes to voting districts, fuelling speculation that polls will be held next year.

Although the amendments do not create any new parliamentary seats, opposition parties said the changes will result in the movement of supporters in marginal areas, and that could help embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition win back the seats it lost in the past decade.

Datuk Seri Najib has been attacked both at home and abroad in the wake of graft allegations involving US$700 million (S$940 million) found in his personal accounts. As a result, some top officials in the ruling party Umno have left a government that is facing widespread unhappiness, according to opinion polls.

Despite this, reports point to possible elections by March next year – more than a year before Parliament’s mandate expires.

Earlier this month, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the party faithful should support those chosen to contest in the coming polls instead of protesting against the selection.

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