Will Mahathir free Anwar?

Anwar Mahathir

KTemoc Konsiders

Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad feels the time has not come yet to discuss the release of jailed former opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The former prime minister said no promises could be made about the agenda stated by Pribumi president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and it could only be considered if the party was in power.

Muhyiddin had expressed support for the release of Anwar and pledged to make that the agenda of the party’s struggle.

“All plans of the party will come later. Now, we cannot make any promises because we are powerless.

“If that is the desire of all, surely we cannot say no. We will look into the efforts (to release Anwar) later,” Dr Mahathir told reporters on the sidelines of the 55th annual meeting of the Muslim Welfare Organisation of Malaysia (Perkim). […]

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and Perkim vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim said if the opposition political parties took up the agenda to ‘free Anwar’, they should also campaign for the release of other prisoners.

“If you want to have Anwar released, then you must also free all the others.

“If the struggle is to release just one individual, what about the plight of the other prisoners?

“Perhaps they (the others) are too small that they escape notice?” he asked. – Bernama

Wakakaka. From those Mahathir’s words, may we safely assume the olde man has no intention whatsoever to release his (1st) archfoe (Najib is currently his (2nd) Nemesis, wakakaka).

Why couldn’t he say a simple ‘Yes’?

Why qualify his response with so many conditions like “Now, we cannot make any promises because we are powerless” as if we don’t know that?


