DAP struggles against PKR


KTemoc Konsiders

MalaysiakiniPeople of S’gor not stupid, PKR leader tells Pua

With our amazing and most remarkable Election Commission doing its ‘magic’ again, which MKINI reported in another piece of news that:

The proposed redelineation would affect the boundaries of 18 out of Selangor’s 22 parliamentary constituencies, which will also affect voter numbers in the state constituencies that lie within these parliamentary seats …

… Lim Kit Siang (DAP) had proposed an early election in Selangor before the new constituency-delineation comes into effect, but Azmin Ali (PKR) refused to, arguing Pakatan has such a mandate that it should not call for an early election.

Azmin’s argument has been faulty, dodgy and based on unknown objectives that he and his PKR inner coterie only know. A mandate has been precisely what Pakatan had obtained in 2013 GE, but then alliances have since changed so much that Pakatan Rakyat is no more, and that huge 2013 mandate provides the precise authority for what is left of Pakatan to reasonably call for a new mandate to ascertain the people’s choice with regards to current alliances.

On top of that, an early state election, if held, would not bite very much into the traditional 5-year term, By the time the snap election is in progress the old Pakatan Rakyat would have serve almost 4 out of its 5 years’ duty. And best of all, it leaps-frog over the new proposed re-delineation, and avoids suffering the EC’s ‘magic’.

So what is Azmin Ali’s real motive in ignoring the EC’s coming re-delineated state constituencies?

The impending disaster for Pakatan Harapan and Azmin Ali’s seeming nonchalance towards (but it’s likely he might and has already have an escape route, probably unbeknownst to the DAP, wakakaka), has infuriated Tony Pua (DAP) so much so that he felt wont to say about the imperative of a snap election for Pakatan:

“If you ask anybody on the street, they would also say the same thing. You would be stupid to say we should only have an election after the redelineation is completed.”

That prompted good olde Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin, a PKR VP, to come out to defend Azmin’s stand but using the people of Selangor as a sarong, wakakaka, saying,

“The people of Selangor are not stupid. On the contrary, they are the most enlightened with regard to national politics and the economy”.


