Mahathir is planning to meet Najib to save his son


The Third Force

I owe an apology to you guys for being away for four days. I’ve been busy with stuff that more or less ate into all of my free time. That said, let’s get straight down to business.

Last Tuesday, I told you guys how Dr. Mahathir Mohammad and his son, Dato’ Mokhzani Mahathir, performed some corporate acrobatics to turn a business concern linked to the latter into a cash-rich shell company in no time at all. Details to that story is contained in an article titled The story of Mokhzani Mahathir and the biggest coup in Malaysian banking history, which you can trace through the links I have provided below herein.

The sleek manoeuvre by the father and son team breached a secret pact Mahathir had negotiated with Tun Daim Zainuddin way before the 1997 financial crisis hit the region. Under the terms of the pact, Mahathir agreed to assign PhileoAllied Bank, a financial concern which was then up and coming and widely regarded a cash-cow, to the jurisdiction and control of Multi-Purpose Bank (MPB), a onetime Daim concern. Although Daim’s name wasn’t listed on MPB’s shareholding roll, he was always identified with the bank one way or the other.

Now, before we go any further, it is worth to note that the man who founded and built Phileo Allied, the group that owned PhileoAllied Bank, was none other than Tong Kooi Ong, the same man who founded and now owns the Edge Media Group and the already defunct Malaysian Insider. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you guys how these media outfits were used by Mahathir to hurl heavy doses of unfounded rumour and slander towards the Prime Minister, do I?

I mean, I am beginning to wonder if Tong has been complicit with Mahathir in conspiracies since the nineties. The curious manner in which a Phileo Allied concern was transformed by Mokhzani and Mahathir into a cash-rich shell company speaks volumes of the kind of ‘friendship’ Tong enjoyed with the father and son team. But that is something we will discuss in a later article.

Moving on, MPB was owned by Multi-Purpose Holdings (MPHB), a group that eventually came under the purview and control of a man by the name of Lim Thian Kiat (better known in banking circles as T.K. Lim), a staunch Daim associate. It is said that Lim’s family used one of its companies to buy over the group during the 1986 recession. Thereafter, Lim began to forge close ties with Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, especially when the latter was given the Ministry of Finance portfolio by Mahathir.

According to a source, both Mahathir and Daim had discussed the Anwar-Lim nexus behind closed doors some time in 1996, way before the Asian Financial Crisis unleashed its fury. The same source related to me how Mahathir had told Daim that Anwar and Lim were “too close for comfort,” and that “something needed to be done.” As a result, both Mahathir and Daim began to work out a plan to wrest control of the Multi-Purpose Holdings (MPHB) group from Lim.

As the story goes, Daim was tasked to get his associates to wrest control of MPHB from Lim to prepare for the eventual merger of MPB and PhileoAllied Bank, with MPB as anchor. To facilitate the merger, Mokhzani was tasked to trigger a series of stock acquisitions through his healthcare interest, Pantai Holdings Berhad, to gain some form of control in PhilioAllied Bank.

Almost as soon as the central bank of Thailand devalued its currency in July of 1997, Mokhzani sprang into action and got Pantai to purchase stocks in Tongkah Holdings Berhad, a group he controlled, one that was heavily vested in nominee and trustee related services. At the time, Pantai was already 21 percent owned by Tongkah and 35.5 percent owned by Mokzani.

There itself, you can see how and why Mokhzani had a weighty influence in Pantai and was authoritative in decisions that were made by the healthcare concern. Through a series of share acquisitions Mokhzani triggered between the 29th of August and the 17th of November in 1997, Pantai staked an 18.6 percent ownership of Avenue Assets, a company that Tongkah had already secured an interest in.

The finer details to the acquisitions and the scheme of things are contained in my last article, The story of Mokhzani Mahathir and the biggest coup in Malaysian banking history. I sincerely hope that you guys will trace the article through the links I provided below this piece and go through it. That said, the purchases by Pantai triggered cross-holdings that afforded Mahathir’s son greater jurisdiction in the affairs of Avenue Assets, a public-listed entity both Pantai and Tongkah jointly staked a 28 percent interest in.

Being the single largest shareholder of Phileo Allied, Avenue Assets became the channel through which Mokhzani wielded significant control over PhileoAllied Bank together with Tong. What is not known to many though, is not only were the purchases smothered with ambiguity, they were carried out in a hurried and hush-hush manner. Sources reveal that the acquisitions were scripted by Mahathir and Daim in 1996 when the duo first discussed Anwar’s worrisome warmth with Lim.

With control of Phileo Allied secured by Mokhzani, all that was left was for Daim to wrest control of MPB from Lim. But the ball was in Mahathir’s court. I am told, a decision was already reached at the onset of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 that Anwar needed to go. As a result, Mahathir stepped up efforts to profile Anwar for one reason or the other before showing him through the exit door in 1998 on charges of corruption and moral perversity.

Following Anwar’s sacking from government, Daim quickly sprang into action and instructed his associates to gobble up the MPHB group. This was to prep MPB for the acquisition of PhileoAllied Bank on the basis of the agreement Daim had with Mahathir. Once Lim lost control of MPHB, Mahathir met Daim and reassured him that MPB would be granted anchor status.

However, an eleventh hour manoeuvre by Mahathir caught Daim totally off guard. The shrewd and cunning Daim, so sure of his steps, never once foresaw that Mahathir would betray him. I am told that the two were born in the same kampong and were known to protect one another, whatever the adversity. What Mahathir did next told Daim that the laws of human relations would always prevail, that blood was always thicker than water.

Under the pretext of a revised consolidation scheme, Mahathir got the Malayan Banking (Maybank) group to offer Avenue Assets a share swap deal for control of PhileoAllied Bank. Just so that you know, Maybank came under the purview of the national trust agency, Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), which fell directly under Mahathir’s jurisdiction by virtue of his position as the head of government.

Following a fair bit of theatrics and corporate acrobatics by Mahathir and Mokhzani, the swap deal landed 1.3 billion ringgit worth in cash straight into Phileo Allied’s vaults. With the deal, PhileoAllied Bank was fully owned by Maybank, while Avenue Assets was left with a cash-rich shell company almost overnight. This, of course, paved the way for Mokhzani to rake in a large portion of the proceeds through his trustees if he so wished.

It is interesting to note that the whole bank-consolidation scheme, said to have been floated by Daim behind closed doors in 1994 or some time thereabouts, evolved into a mission that was contrived to kill two birds with one stone – to springboard Mokhzani’s rise from a virtual nobody to a head honcho in the banking spheres, as well as to destroy any link Anwar had with those spheres.

If what I am told is true, both Daim and Mahathir had already begun attempting to cut Anwar’s ties with influential and cash-rich banking tycoons in 1996. It was part of a long range program to destroy the then Minister of Finance. Braided in the conspiracy was a plan to either hire or get the assistance of sleuths to tap into Anwar’s dealings with the corporate sector. To what extent was Daim involved in this undercover mission is not to my knowledge.

All said, there is something else I think you ought to know.

For some weeks now, I have been talking of a yearlong ‘save’ Malaysia campaign that a Chinese Tan Sri, TSX, had floated during a meeting that was held in August of last year. The meeting, attended also by Mahathir and two of his associates, concluded that the only means of deposing Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak would be through the ballot box.

The said campaign was to prelude a ‘five-month war of an untold proportion’ against the ruling Barisan Nasional, slated for launch this October. But because Malaysia Today had taken the wraps off the conspiracy, Mahathir went ahead and launched the war last month. As a matter of fact, it was our exposes that triggered the premature setting up of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi) last August. Based on the original scripts, the party was supposed to be launched this month.

Mahathir fears Malaysia Today. He told his confidantes that if anything, the news portal need to be silenced before Pribumi can accomplish anything. He’s tried every trick in the book to plug the leak of information that seems to channel to RPK. But of late, he seems to have given up on the latter, telling his confidantes that the man may be a psychic with a crystal ball.

But every time he thinks he has my informants figured out, I prove him wrong. So he has begun to suspect his closest associates. That is, he now believes that my informant is someone closely linked to Daim Zainuddin. And he is half right. But believe me when I say this – not in a million years will he be able to figure the real source out.

Meanwhile, Daim has spoken of his reservations against Mahathir to a very close associate of his. He is very sure that Najib can never be toppled, come hell or high water. The associate went on to trigger the alarm within some circles, one of which seems well connected to Mahathir’s ‘funders’. The funders began working out an exit strategy when they were told that Daim was calling it quits.

Under the terms of a pact Mahathir had with them, he was not to commit to any campaign that bordered on democratic thievery. The former premier was told in no uncertain terms that he would only be funded if the mission was to pressure Najib into calling for snap elections by March next year. And that is all – no question of undemocratically toppling the Prime Minister and all that jazz.

But by chance, one of his funders got to know of a secret pact Mahathir had entered into with the leader of a coalition of NGO’s to trigger mass protests against government. The funder conducted his own discovery after having been informed about it by an MCA insider. Once he was sure of the conspiracy, the said funder grabbed the opportunity and bolted. To date, two other funders have followed suit.

You can trace the final details to the conspiracy through links I have provided in bold below this article. In a nutshell, Mahathir lost a big chunk of the five billion ringgit his funders pledged to him through a span of six to seven months since December last year. He is, as we speak, making a last ditch attempt to secure additional funding to launch the Third Force I have been telling you about, the one due for launch this month. But at the same time, he revealed to Daim and a certain other associate of his that he may call it quits.

As we speak, I am told that the former premier is contemplating getting a third party to meet Najib anytime soon to discuss a ceasefire. During the planned meeting, the rep would make an earnest bid to recover some RM20 billion or so, held by some trustees and nominees, that Mahathir believes belongs to his family. This sum is said to be part to the RM100 billion RPK repeatedly speaks of.

However, almost as soon as The story of Mokhzani Mahathir and the biggest coup in Malaysian banking history was published last Tuesday, Mahathir got jittery and burst into tears the very next day, telling his associate, “They’re coming after my son!” But there is no cause for alarm though – he has repeatedly been shedding tears, confiding in his closest associates of his fear that the government may zero in on Mokhzani.

Stick around guys. Two days from now, I will tell you how Mokhzani likely conducted insider trading to illegally profit from the sale and purchase of shares that were linked to Sapurakencana, and why that may be more than just a baseless allegation.

Relevant article by RPK:

Relevant article by me:

