Allegation of Trojan horses in Umno

helen ang

Helen Ang

Raja Petra Kamarudin had an interesting story yesterday ‘Mahathir shoots his own horses’ on serial police report lodger Armand Azha Abu Hanifah whom RPK says is wearing two hats, i.e. Perkasa and Umno.

The Chinese community dislike Perkasa. Through his actions when he is wearing his Umno Youth exco  hat, the Perkasa-linked Armand is giving Umno a bad name and making the Chinese hate the ruling party.

One example was when Armand – pix below – abused Taoist prayer paraphernalia that he’s waving in his hand.

armandazha HELL NOTES

Below is Armand wearing, respectively, his Umno Youth ‘gertak n gempak’ hat and earlier his Perkasa hat or rather tall, dark and sombong songkok.

We know that Perkasa is a Tun Mahathir outfit.  So Armand is obviously a Protun.

Armand needs a big hat to fit his big head as you can see below.


Talking about another Protun fella …

Certain Protuns – like that 20k Malay mercenary blogger, for instance – are big headed because they used to rub shoulders with VIPs, i.e. the politicians. Some of you may be aware which Protun blogger it is who brags endlessly about the VIPs and VVIPs he was acquainted with in Johor.

His ego is built on the boast of ‘know who’ and not ‘know how’ because even simple data pun blogger Si Fraudster tu tak reti nak process, much less expect him to draw charts and graphs.

BELOW: The Protun-Umno-Melayu DAP three-in-one package


Whack  here, whack there, whack-whack everywhere … for a fee

A few of these traveling circus Protuns have become big headed because of their reputation as whackers for hire.

In other words, they’re tough/bitchy guys because they whack here and there, usually backed up by their equally thuggish cohorts.

Recent developments, i.e. the bersekongkol pact currently forged between Protuns and Dapsters, means that these “Apa Lagi Cina Mahu?” Malays have gotten themselves new temporary teammates in the form of rabid RBAs … strange bedfellows indeed.

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