Najib, Zahid lost in translation

najib in germany

Rocky’s Bru

In Berlin, contrary to what Reuters reported, Najib Razak did not say he would not call for an early general election. An aide of the PM said Najib was asked, after his meeting with the German Chancellor, if he would be calling for an early election in Malaysia in view of issues surrounding the 1MDB. Najib said the question of election is not due to any single factor.
“It must be predicated on the basis that we have good policies in Malaysia, We are delivering for the benefit of the people and we are the best government to lead Malaysia into the future.
“We have a strong record and we will continue to tell the Malaysian people that our government is still the best choice.”
The Reuter’s report (PM says Malaysia will cooperate with the US on 1MDB investigations, Channel News Asia) was picked up by The Star (No need for early polls, says Najib) and the Malay Mail Online (Najib: No polls before 2018), among others.
