DAP Youth calls for Junz Wong to vacate Likas seat

Wong Kah Woh

(The Star) – DAP Youth has urged Likas assemblyman Junz Wong to vacate his seat after his resignation from the party.

“DAP Youth urges Likas assemblyman Junz Wong to also resign as an assemblyman immediately,” said DAP Youth chief and Canning assemblyman Wong Kah Woh (pic) in a statement on Sunday.

He said that the Likas seat held by Junz was won under the DAP emblem and logo.

“Junz has believed and held on to DAP principles all this while, which includes relinquishing a seat that has been won once he leaves the party,” said Kah Woh.

Kah Woh added that there has been no reason put forward to justify Junz remaining in the Likas seat.

He added in a Facebook post on Sunday that leaving DAP was an act of betrayal towards the party, regardless of the reasons or explanations for leaving.

“For those who have defected from the party, let’s not forget it is the party logo that gave you the victory in the last general election,” said Kah Woh

He added that other parties that claim to have “anti-BN” or “anti-Najib” struggles should work together and not accept betrayal as minimum criteria for sincere cooperation.

Kah Woh had said in his statement that should the sincerity be destroyed today, it would be difficult to rebuild that sincerity among affected political parties in future.

Sabah Pakatan Harapan received a triple blow with two PKR assemblymen and one DAP assemblyman quitting their parties.

The two PKR assemblymen are Klias assemblyman Datuk Lajim Ukin and Moyog assemblyman Terrence Siambun while the DAP assemblyman is  Likas assemblyman Junz Wong.

Wong was the Sabah DAP secretary prior to quitting the party.

