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KTemoc Konsiders

From MM Online:

Presumably Anwar Ibrahim sent this message from Sg Buloh, that any coalition (which I believe to be Mahathir’s Pribumi) wishing to negotiate with Pakatan to form a grand coailition to battle Najib’s BN, must first settle its negotiation with PAS.

Anwar is of course still the putative head of Pakatan, an indication that the DAP recognizes:

(a) Anwar the leader of Pakatan as the future PM who must be a Malay, which the DAP have (Malay members) but who lack the political reputation or prominence of Anwar or Mahathir or Ku Li,

(b) Anwar has the skill and experience to lead a winning coalition into government, and

(c) Anwar is far trustworthy than any trust it could (ever?) placed on Mahathir, Azmin or the worst, Moody [Ku Li would have been reasonably acceptable but he is still in BN].

But Nasrudin Hasan the PAS ulama, who has been virulently against Valentine’s Day, New Year and other celebrations because he asserted they have been ‘breeding’ season (of illegitimate children) stemming from wild sex orgies, has told political parties wishing to team up with PAS (eg. Pribumi, PKR) to abandon DAP if they wish to enter into a political alliance with the Islamist party.

So. we hope PKR will let us know soon of its decision.

MM Online reported: According to PAS, it is time for the country’s oldest opposition party to “lead the change” in the country, and every party is invited to join its own coalition, Gagasan Sejahtera, as long as they respect PAS’s principles and its Islamic struggles.

… so long as they don’t kawan with DAP … wakakaka … so c’mon Azmin, don’t stand on two boats with a leg on each even though your party is used to kangkang situation.

But what will be the situation if Anwar remains unavailable, maybe still in prison or incapacitated due to heath? Who represent future or potential leaders for Pakatan in which the DAP continues to be a member? And please forget about Wan Azizah.

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