PAS: Epitome of ego and arrogance


Hudud is NOT God’s law. It is preposterous for humans to make such a claim. It is a 100 per cent man-made law and that is why it has to be drafted by man, tabled in Parliament by man, approved by man to be enforced by man.

Ravinder Singh, Free Malaysia Today

The Islamist party’s information chief Nasruddin Hassan has done his duty well by clearly sending the message that there is nothing religious about PAS as it does not uphold the ideals of the Islamic faith. Nowhere in the religion is it stated that Muslims should stab in the back non-Muslims who helped them or sheltered the party in their time of need.

Nasaruddin himself would not be what he is today if not for the non-Muslim voters in Temerloh who threw their weight behind him, not because of his religious beliefs, not because he was a man of God, not because his opponent Umno’s Saifuddin Abdullah was not a good person. He was not representing PAS, but representing the Opposition coalition. He won because the voters wanted Umno out, even though Saifuddin stands much higher than him as a politician.

Saifuddin was one of Umno’s MP’s for whom the public i.e. including the non-Malays, had much respect for. He was the voice of reason, not a racist and clearly not a “pak turut” of Umno. He was beaten by Nasaruddin simply because the rakyat was fed up with Umno and Saifuddin happened to be in Umno, while Nasaruddin was in the Opposition.

Today, Nasaruddin is stabbing the backs of non-Muslims who supported PAS in the last two elections by demanding that Opposition parties that wish to cooperate with PAS leave DAP before negotiations are held because “the reality is that DAP is still opposed to PAS’s Islamic struggle”.

In 2013, Nasaruddin campaigned stating: “What matters most is that we ensure a change in system and policies which destroy many things in politics. For example, the question of equity, the revival of a democratic system, freedom of expression. In terms of economy, we are looking at breaking the monopoly, spending wisely.”

Nasaruddin, please tell us in clear terms what your “Islamic Struggle” is today? In 2013, according to you, it was “systems and policies which destroy many things in politics e.g. the question of equity, the revival of a democratic system, freedom of expression and in terms of economy, breaking the monopoly and spending wisely”.

Today, PAS’ Islamic struggle seems to be an obsession to get RUU 355 passed by Parliament to pave the way for the implementation of hudud that would allow the severing of limbs in the name of God for “controlling crime” by the religious police.

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