How Mahathir conned the King and the people


The Third Force

Do we have some enigmatic times ahead of us or what? Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, the very man who once cost Bank Negara Malaysia loses worth an estimated 30 billion ringgit (almost RM150 billion by today’s standards), is now seeking for early elections to rid the nation of what he claims is a corrupt and evil regime.

Seriously, how low can this man go?

Recent postings by major dailies revealed how Mahathir pointed towards the polling booth as being the only recourse towards fairer governance (refer links below). The former premier laid out the worst case scenario, saying that because the Malay Rulers keep ignoring the Citizen’s Declaration, we may need to go into elections to decide on the next government.

“He (the King) has not decided on doing anything. So now we have gone to the next stage by appealing to all the Rulers. (And) if that fails, I think we have to depend upon the elections and whatever else we can do.”

Does any of this ring a bell?

Is it not working out exactly the way I told you it would? For some months now, I have been telling you guys of plans that existed between Mahathir and a Chinese Tan Sri, TSX, to set up a new party and a Third Force. That, and the fact that the former premier had planned to launch a bloody assault against the ruling coalition beginning the month of October, which is right about now.

Apart from the Third Force, everything seems to be moving close to what was scripted some fourteen months ago in a secret meeting that took place between Mahathir and TSX. The August 2015 meeting, attended also by two of the former premier’s associates, resolved to launch a yearlong ‘save Malaysia’ campaign as a prelude to a five-month ‘war of an untold proportion’ against Barisan Nasional. It was during this meeting that plans to establish a new political outfit and a Third Force cropped up.

So yes, everything did go according to how I said it would. Trust me guys. I am not one to cook stuff up.

If there were any noticeable changes to the original plan, it is that the target dates for the launching of a new party and the assault against the ruling coalition were renegotiated. That is to say, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi) was launched a month ahead of schedule, as was the ‘war of an untold proportion’ against the ruling coalition.

Incidentally, do you guys see any proportion to the so called war against Barisan Nasional? I know I don’t. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that three of Mahathir’s six funders bolted early last September with the billions they had pledged to his cause. These funders claimed that Mahathir had reneged on a promise never to resort to democratic thievery in a bid to depose the Prime Minister.

Anyway, the rescheduling of the launch dates was triggered by a series of articles (links provided below) that Malaysia Today published over the span of some months. These articles opened a can of worms when it made public the entire scheme of things, beginning with the five billion that was credited to the cause of destroying Barisan Nasional, right up to the conspiracy by Mahathir to negotiate the release of some twenty billion in various asset categories currently being held by trustees and nominees.

Fearing that the Prime Minister, having been tipped off, would trigger yearend polls, Mahathir quickly brought forward every single launch date as a measure of caution to prep his team for any eventuality. However, he has yet to convince opposition leaders to consolidate into a single force against the ruling coalition, which explains why we have yet to hear of a Third Force.

Anyway, that is the long and short of what has gone on so far. Let us now talk about what is going to happen.

Now, if you remember correctly, I told you how Mahathir was scheduled to challenge Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak into triggering the premature dissolution of parliament by March of next year. I am told, the former premier is set to pose that challenge on the 19th of next month, though today, as I mentioned earlier, he is already seen hinting on the need for early polls.

I also remember telling you how the Citizen’s Declaration was supposed to have come full circle this November to coincide with the scheduled announcement. But as we know, the former premier has already come out to announce the ‘success’ of the signature collection drive and has since met the King.

But why did he do that?

Well, the truth is, plans began to change when one of Mahathir’s advisors convinced him mid last March to fast-track the signature collection drive so as to afford an earlier announcement. But we will come to the shocking details of what transpired thereafter in an article to follow this one.

Notwithstanding, what I never told you guys is that the ‘Citizen’s Declaration’ was an idea that was first put to Mahathir during the August 2015 meeting. Yes, the so-called ‘Citizen’s Declaration’ that Mahathir inked together with several prominent opposition leaders was in fact something the former premier discussed with TSX back in August of last year. Basically, it was something TSX himself laid on the roundtable and convinced everyone was the way forward.

Interesting, is it not?

What is even more interesting, is the fact that many Malaysians believed Mahathir when he began talking of the people’s power and the King’s moral obligation towards the needs of the majority. The former premier implied in a hundred and one flavours that the King needed to act on the Citizen’s Declaration by sacking Najib. He got Malaysians thinking that the ruler was empowered by the constitution to remove a sitting Prime Minister.

But the truth, as they say, is almost always stranger than fiction. And the truth is, not only did the former premier know from day one that the King lacked jurisdiction to dismiss a sitting Prime Minister, he actually wanted that lack of jurisdiction to work to his advantage. That, my friends, is how the mind of a twisted and sick Machiavellian works. Mahathir is able to twist and turn a disadvantage into an advantage while everyone remains clueless as to the grand scheme of things.

But he can’t fool me.

You see, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah, is currently serving his second term as the nation’s ruler. His first term began in 1970 and ended in 1975, almost perfectly coinciding with Tun Abdul Razak’s tenure as Prime Minister. And as you guys already know, Tun Abdul Razak was the father of our current Prime Minister.

The coincidental tenures allowed Sultan Abdul Halim to better acquaint himself with the ways of the Razak family, an aristocratic class all by itself. Mind you, the UMNO of the seventies was dominated by civil servants who didn’t seem to have a problem with the aristocratic order that clung on to the party’s upper echelons. Razak was from that order, as was his predecessor and successor.

That, in essence, became the basis to warm relations that existed between UMNO and the Palace. There was the usual decorum that needed adhering to, undoubtedly, but the Palace and the party shared a bond unlike that which we see today. Sultan Abdul Halim knows, as did Tunku Abdul Rahman, Razak, Tun Hussein Onn and Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah, that Mahathir found it impossible to toe the line with the aristocratic order and preferred pandering to rich corporate capitalists. The King also knows that it was Mahathir who once crippled relations between UMNO and the Palace.

Obviously, the King would not have Mahathir or any of his family members running UMNO or the government. The King knows better than anyone that the next time a Mahathirian steps into the office of Prime Minister, he (or she) would immediately destroy the Monarchical institution and make damned sure that the flow of power only descends through the Mahathirian order.

The King, on the other hand, is convinced that Najib is genuinely inclined towards furthering the good work that was left unfinished by his (Najib’s) late father, who Mahathir himself admitted on many occasions was ‘a man of the people’. The King knows, as do we, that Mahathir is a power crazed Machiavellian who couldn’t care less about Razak or his legacy and is only concerned with some twenty billion he wants channelled to his family. Those billions are currently being held by some individuals and companies in various asset categories through trust instruments, some of which appear irrevocable.

Perhaps now you will agree with me when I say that the King would never sack Najib even if the constitution empowered him to do so. Mahathir is well aware of this. Mahathir also knows that the King is a wise and reasonable man and not one to be fooled easily. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what the former premier told Dato’ Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan right after his audience with the King.

“We have done it!”

If you don’t believe me, ask Khairuddin.

Khairuddin will be able to confirm that the plan was never to get the King to sack Najib. On the contrary, the plan was for the King to do one of three things – rubbish the Citizen’s Declaration, disagree with it or to flatly deny Mahathir an audience with him. Either way, the former premier knew he would be on the winning end. He would have reason to say that “I have tried my best to fight for the people, but failed. Even the King is under Najib’s thumb.”

Get the picture?

Of course, for the plan to work, Mahathir also needed us to believe that the people were sick and tired of Najib. Do you remember how desperate Mahathir made himself appear when seeking an audience with the King? Despite knowing that the Palace was unlikely to entertain him, he pushed ahead for an audience and made very public his desire to meet the King.

Trust me – all of that was theatrics, meant to deliver a sense of utter urgency on the need to ‘save Malaysia’. The whole idea was to have us believe that the people were desperate for a leadership change, that he had in his hands documents to prove beyond reasonable doubt that if an election were to be called the next day, Barisan Nasional would crumble.

Yes, Mahathir wants everyone to believe that Najib is a tyrant even the King dare not oppose. That was the plan all along. As we speak, the former premier is making plans to enter another ‘appeal’ to the Palace before the major announcement due on the 19th of November. On that day, Mahathir will make very public an appeal for the Prime Minister to dissolve parliament by March of next year, unless, of course, the Bersih rally does not succeed in amassing the anticipated 100,000 strong crowd.

But please, don’t take my word for it. Just ask Dato’ Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan. Mahathir quipped right after meeting the King recently that things were “moving as planned,” that the only thing left would be to “push for a general election.” Seriously, ask Khairuddin. He will tell you that all of what I said is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Recent media reports:

Past articles by me:

