Red Shirts leader declares ‘war’ on Bersih 5 after release


(MMO) – Immediately after his release from police detention yesterday evening, Datuk Jamal Yunos declared an all-out “war” on the Bersih 5 rally scheduled for November 19.

The Sungai Besar Umno division chief who leads a group known for their combative stance against electoral watchdog Bersih 2.0 was arrested two days ago upon arrival at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport from a Dubai trip, to be investigated for allegedly inciting racial riots.

“In conjunction with my release today, I declare an all-out war with the Bersih 5 group. This detention has not weakened my spirit,” the leader of the Red Shirts movement was quoted saying in a report by Malay daily Berita Harian.

“After this, I will direct all Red Shirts nationwide to rise and battle with Bersih 5 who have become ‘dajal’ in our country,” he added, using an Arabic term meaning “the deceiver” or Anti-Christ.

Jamal was released from the lock-up at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters about 5pm today on police bail.

Outside, he vented his dissatisfaction to reporters, calling his arrest and detention “double standards”.

“I cannot accept that the police arrested me because it is persecution and an insult towards me.

“Although I understand the police have a duty to keep the peace and public order, what happened to me was ‘double standard’,” Jamal was quoted saying in Malay.

He was reported to have questioned why the authorities had not arrested the organisers of Bersih 5 whom he accused of inciting the people to topple the Barisan Nasional (BN) government through its roadshows.

Jamal is being investigated under Section 500 and 503 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation and intimidation, as well as Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) for improper use of network facilities over a provocative Facebook posting evocative of the May 13, 1969 racial bloodbath.

Jamal had allegedly posted on his Facebook earlier this month a threat which read: “Saya berjanji Tragedi 13 MAY akan berulang dan PARANG TERBANG akan terjadi jika BERSIH 5 dibuat pada masa, tarikh dan tempat yang sama dengan perhimpunan #BERSIH5 yang dijadualkan pada 19 November ini. Hidup Melayu!”

[Translation: I vow that the May 13 tragedy will be repeated and parang will fly if Bersih 5 is held at the same time, date and place as the #BERSIH5 rally scheduled on November 19. Long live the Malays!]

He later denied making such a posting and claimed his Facebook account had been “hacked”.

The posting disappeared soon after it was made viral.
