Will CIA oust Duterte?


KTemoc Konsiders

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced his “separation” from the United States on Thursday, declaring that it had “lost” and he had realigned with China as the two agreed to resolve their South China Sea dispute through talks. (The Star)

Once a colony of the USA and oppressed by that same so-called Leader of the Free World, the Philippines has been used kau kau for eons by the Yanks, as the latter had used others (eg. Thailand, Taiwan, S. Vietnam, etc) kau kau for its own interests.

Thus I am not surprised that Duterte has jumped ship when the USA has not helped the Pinoys since the Yanks were kicked out of Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Station.

The Yanks had left behind only chaos and disruptions in Filipino social lives, VD, Aids and an arrogant two-fingers to local justice system as it protected its soldiers, sailors and airmen from being changed for rapes, murders, manslaughters, assaults and other crimes.
It did and still does these in every country it has stations and bases in, like Japan, South Korea, Italy, and even Australia, etc.


