Rahman Dahlan: Want proof Bersih out to topple BN? Here’s five examples

Abdul Rahman Dahlan

(MMO) – Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan today listed down five examples to prove his claim that electoral reforms group Bersih 2.0’s main goal is to topple the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

In a statement, the minister in the prime minister’s department said he was responding to DAP MP Ong Kian Ming, who had questioned the government’s promise of fair play should government-linked companies that provide financial support to electoral watchdog be blacklisted.

“I believe it is time to drop all pretences that BERSIH is non-partisan and apolitical.

“It is time to call a spade, a spade and to admit that BERSIH is now just another tool for the opposition party rather than a body that supposedly fights for elections reforms,” Abdul Rahman said.

The minister listed out his examples as follows:

How rally leaders at last year’s Bersih 4 rally had urged attendees to reject Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and to vote against BN;

The fact that Bersih chairman Maria Chin Abdullah and former chairperson Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan spoke at various opposition party events, including during the Teluk Intan by-election;

How Bersih took part in opposition-organised anti-goods and services tax (GST) rallies when “a universally-accepted and modern taxation system has nothing to do with election reforms”;

Bersih inviting Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng to official its Penang roadshows – even though the latter is currently facing corruption charges; and Bersih 4 and Bersih 5’s demands for PM Najib to step down despite him being exonerated of any crime by relevant authorities.

Abdul Rahman has said he will request the Economic Planning Unit and Public-Private Partnership Unit to look into the background of all the companies and blacklist those that support illegal assemblies immediately.

Abdul Rahman who is also the Barisan Nasional strategic communications director said the companies “that help movements that jeopardise the economical safety of the country will be ostracised”.
