SNTS Statement: Pengkhianat Rakyat

Mak Khuin Weng

How can a member of Pakatan Harapan call out BN for breaking promises about toll rate subsidies yet have no gumption to condemn his own party members for being complicit in approving new tolled-highways in Selangor?

Mak Khuin Weng

DAP’s Ong Kian Ming had a lot to say about Budget 2017 in his letter Budget 2017: Reading between the lines reveals the truth. As usual, the ‘truth’ is somewhat subjective and heavily tinted with a DAP bias.

Firstly, Ong claimed that BN is guilty of breaking their GE13 manifesto promise that there would be no more toll hikes for highways, simply because there was no mention of any subsidies for tolled-highways.

How can a member of Pakatan Harapan call out BN for breaking promises about toll rate subsidies yet have no gumption to condemn his own party members for being complicit in approving new tolled-highways in Selangor?

The Selangor government issued land acquisition notices and degazetted forest reserves to allow the highways of SUKE, DASH and EKVE to be built. These orders came from the Selangor government’s Land Office and Forestry Departments respectively, not Putrajaya. (See attachment 1 and 2)

Attachment 1 Attachment 2

These Pakatan idiots can make a huge fuss about how we – the rakyat – would be hurt by the lack of toll rate subsidies but sheepishly contribute and add to the problem in their own backyard.

Also, Ong doesn’t need to shout across the aisle where BN sits to accuse them of breaking their manifesto promises to the rakyat. He should just look to his left and right because Pakatan broke their own GE13 manifesto when they helped approve the highway projects because they promised to abolish tolled highways and stop crony projects.

Pot calling the kettle black

Pakatan’s hypocrisy isn’t just a recent event. When these new highway projects were first announced in 2011 with startup budgets allocated to the projects, Pakatan did not call for the budgeted amount to be removed and diverted for better use.

In fact, the budgeted amount was repeated each year up till the 2016 Budget because the projects were constantly delayed by local residents turned activists. People like me who are ordinary non-political residents had to rise up to call out Pakatan’s treachery of working with BN to get these highways approved.

Not once did Ong condemn our Prime Minister cum Finance Minister for allocating billions to finance these new highway projects through the years.

And now that budgeted amount is no longer in Budget 2017, presumably because the allocations have been paid out since the projects are all approved and underway.

Infected with hypocrisy

Ong is certainly representative of how all the politicians in Pakatan are infected with the hypocrisy disease. Others from DAP who clearly exhibit signs of this disease include Tony Pua who complained about the lack of tolled highway subsidies a week ago.

Teresa Kok is another excellent representative of our diseased opposition politicians. In a parliament debate, she lambasts the federal government for bad planning practices because there was supposed to be a public train system from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya when the administrative capital was first mooted.

Ampang had a LRT line planned too, yet the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ), which is clearly under Pakatan’s administration, had no problems amending the development plans for the area to remove the planned LRT line and replace it with the SUKE highway. (see attachment 3)

Attachment 3

There’s a word in Malay that aptly describes these hypocrites. Pengkhianat: [n] orang yang khianat; orang yang tidak setia kepada negara atau teman sendiri.

Kepada saudara-saudari yang bakal mengundi pada PRU14, ingat perkataan itu apabila anda lihat bendera DAP dan rakan sekutu mereka dalam Pakatan Harapan.

