Cutting off the nose to spite the face?

formula one

Where on earth can you get worldwide TV coverage for  3 days in a row for just USD 5 million?

KC Lim

It is almost 17 years to the date when SIC first hosted Formula 1.

I remember it well as our family was on the way to Nilai  Memorial to lay my father to rest while the qualifying races were held at SIC on that day.

Not many foreigners could actually place a finger on the world map to point out where Malaysia is, way back in 1999.

Visionary Dr. Mahathir realised that the Olympics is held once every 4 years and very likely once in a lifetime for any country.

The carnival lasts only 2-3 weeks with years of preparation. Stadiums and facilities are inevitably mothballed after that.

The yearly maintenance of sporting complexes would cripple any community financially (unless turned into detention or refugee centres).

Three days of international exposure for USD 5 million is worth every penny.

Hotels and airlines are much alive during this season when the F1 entourage and fans arrive into KL.

Where on earth can you get worldwide TV coverage for  3 days in a row for just USD 5 million?

Sure, Bernie gets to hold his annual birthday bash at your luxurious villa but you have to fork out USD 5 million just to host his party.

Pretty cool, isn’t it? You have a party at your friend’s house and he has to pay you for the honour!!

But then again, how else would anyone know about your friend’s grand home, let alone the street address.

Of course, Bernie is one of the richest men alive.

I support F1 racing in Kuala Lumpur for the exposure and boost to local economy during the season.

I really do not care much about F1 as I am not a racing fan. I only drive a humble Proton car.

I only happen to be part of a construction team in 1998-1999 that actually set up the complex electronics for F1.

Malaysia has shown that we can stage a world class event right on our home turf at Sepang.

It is NOT just simple Economics that will doom F1 at Sepang!

More like scotched-earth Politics.

Cutting off the nose to spite the face? Syabas Malaysia!!

