Has PKR been Soros-ized?


KTemoc Konsiders

From the Malay Mail Online about Soros funding PKR (extracts):

Former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) supreme council member Datuk Lokman Noor Adam said he was not surprised with the exposure by DC Leaks website claiming several local organisations received foreign funding from billionaire George Soros.

“I’m not surprised because I had already exposed PKR and Malaysiakini (received funds) in 2004. Only Bersih and Merdeka Centre were the new recipients (of the funds), after 2010,” said Lokman, who was sacked from PKR following his disclosure of the party’s sourcing of funds from foreigners. […]

“When I asked Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor (former political secretary of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) at the time, he informed me that the funds came from Soros.

So for PKR, being financed by Soros is not a new thing…. (it has been so) since 2004 to my knowledge. What I don’t know is it could be earlier than that, I’m not sure,” he explained.

Naturally funding from foreign sources should be considered carefully before its acceptance, firstly to ensure it’s not illegal under Malaysian laws, and secondly, to ascertain the foreign motives and interests are NOT prejudicial to Malaysian interests and security.
Thus, if PKR sourced funds from abroad, provided that’s not illegal under Malaysian laws and does not conflict with Malaysian interests and security, then it’s okay and entirely a PKR affair, though funding where domestic or foreign, usually carries a quid pro quo requirement.
I wonder why George Soros funds PKR.


