Pakatan Harapan; It Was The Best of Times, It Was The Worst of Times!


(Malaysian Observer) – In Charles Dickens’s great literary work ‘A Tale of Two Cites’ it starts off with the famous line: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

That opening phrase probably echoes in the minds of Pakatan Harapan as well as Tun Mahathir only theirs would be called ‘A Tale of Two Years’.  All one has to do is look back from 2014 up to this (2016) year to see how reality has dramatically altered the political landscape for Pakatan Harapan and Tun Mahathir.

Back in 2014 those (Pakatan Harapan, ANC, Tun Mahathir) were salivating at the idea that Prime Minister Najib would be soon be out of a job.  To assure that this would come about, they (the conspirators) concocted various stories in an effort to erode national confidence in the Najib.  The stories which the opposition spun appeared daily either in print or were bellowed over the airways.  The conspirators against the Prime Minister thought that if they made the same claim often enough then the rakyat would begin to believe that the claims were in fact true.

The DAP led opposition continued to think it was the best of times when then Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was feigning discontent over a matter that he cared little about.  Of course having then Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir join the chorus with the now former deputy Prime Minister certainly sent goose bumps up and down the arms of Pakatan Harapan and the other conspirators as they believed that Team Barisan Nasional like well placed dominoes would fall!.

Again, in the opposition’s mind, ‘It was the best of times’…..or so they thought.

No sooner than the opposition circled possible dates for the Prime Minister’s departure then their plans started to apart.

It started with the sacking of Muhyiddin Yassin from his position as deputy Prime Minister.  Not too long after that Mukhriz Mahathir was no longer the Kedah Menteri Besar.  During the same time the opposition was losing elections; first in Sarawak the in Kuala Kangsar and Sugai Besar.  Then adding insult to injury, Umno dropped both Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz Mahathir from the party.

Tun Mahathir never expected the latter to take place as his son (Mukhriz) was no longer in place to contend to become Prime Minister!

Thus began ‘The worst of times’.  The sacking of Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz removed any strategy Pakatan Harapan had of creating the idea of a split within UMNO.


