Don’t throw Chinese overboard while on a slow boat to China


At least now I’m quite sure Umno will not chase away the Chinese party MCA and Chinese-dominated party Gerakan out of BN.

Life of Annie

So, we are going Chinese.

I think you all have read about it.

The news and commentaries about the whole thing are all over the place.

No need for me to put the links here. Well, I’m in the lazy mode these days anyway.

I actually prefer going Japanese, but Chinese is also okay with me.

At least now I’m quite sure Umno will not chase away the Chinese party MCA and Chinese-dominated party Gerakan out of BN.

I’m sure the Chinese who are going to pump in billions of ringgit into Malaysia are not going to be too happy if the ruling coalition kick out its Chinese component parties.

Need to take care of their feelings, okay.

Chinese are now the good guys. Accept it.

All those hate mongers who repeatedly called for Umno to kick out MCA and Gerakan and then combine with Pas to form a hardline Malay Muslim coalition must be quite frustrated by this development.

They need to also now adjust their sales pitch from Umno must throw the Chinese into the sea, to just Umno must throw the DAP evangelical Chinese into the sea.

Otherwise, can miss a meal or two.

Whatever it is, BN will continue to be a multi-racial coalition, which is good.

What I fear all these while is that we have the Malays on one side and a mostly non-Malays gang on the other.

That’s what the hate mongers have been trying to promote all these while under the guise of slogans such as perpaduan ummah and the need for Malays to defend themselves against the nefarious Chinese.

Basically, they want the Malays to turn racist by inflaming their sentiments to hate the Chinese.

The effect of such extreme racial polarisation can be quite devastating for the country.

We can end up like Bosnia or Sri Lanka, where they have to go to war with each other to solve their racial polarisation problem.

Read more here
