Azmin Ali talks cock


KTemoc Konsiders

From this Malaysiakini article on EC Commissioners (current and previous) we get to hear from Azmin Ali who partly spoke on what we all already know, namely, that the EC is controlled by UMNO, and partly on his (Azmin Ali’s) f**king double-standards talk, as expected of a PKR man.

Extracts of MKINI article:
Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali reiterated that BN controls Election Commission (EC) by highlighting that they proposed the appointment of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s principal secretary as the deputy chairperson.

However, he claimed that the proposal was not accepted by the Conference of Rulers three weeks ago. Azmin also questioned the appointment of Umno information chief Annuar Musa’s private secretary Mohd Hashim Abdullah as EC chief.

“How can EC act independently and professionally if a senior official of Umno is appointed in the commission?”

Azmin, who is also PKR deputy president, said that no political party should sit in an entity which conducts the general elections.

He claimed that BN obviously used EC, particularly on the Sept 15 proposed redelineation exercise.

“It was as though EC was waiting for their instruction to create safe constituencies for BN,” Azmin said.

He also saw a silver lining behind the move by Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) to appoint former EC chief Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman as vice-president.


