
Gopal Raj Kumar


It is interesting to note that the admissions and fact of Malaysiakini’s receipt of foreign funding has only recently come to the attention of the Malaysian public.

Malaysiakini has had a long standing policy (which it continues to implement) of promoting an anti-government agenda and by often excising from its pages or not allowing for publication altogether any rebuttals or a contrarian view to the anti government propaganda they published.

In fact it is standard operating procedure in Malaysiakini to attack anyone who expresses a view that is contrary or challenges the anti government rhetoric of its clients. They achieve this by allowing ‘readers’ posting under a pseudonym or appearing as ‘anonymous’ to attack and vilify anyone questioning the anti government lines they publish without restriction.

On the other hand, legitimate criticisms and differing opinions of readers expressed in their letters column are often restricted or altogether excised. Its a policy of play the man not the ball. But thats the constituency and readership of Malaysiakini.

Malaysiakini operates almost exclusively as an anti Malay, anti Muslim and anti government portal advancing the objects of Regime Change in Malaysia.

Steven Gan made admissions to receiving foreign funding for setting up Malaysiakini on radio 3AW in Melbourne in or about 2000-2001 when as a guest of former premier of the state of Victoria Jeff Kenneth on Kenneth’s talkback  radio show.

Many subsequent admissions and the evidence to support the claim of foreign funding received by entities including Malaysiakini have since emerged with other anti government organisations in Malaysia.

Gan’s ‘disclosures’ to Jamal Yunos of the ‘Red Shirts’ yesterday 3 November 2016 are both misleading, economic with the truth and as such dishonest.


Notably Malaysiakini a news portal that openly and unabashedly advances the causes of the Malaysian opposition and so called NGO (Non Governmental Organizations) also carries on a regular basis unproven allegations of impropriety against government by members of the opposition.

Malaysiakini is also widely seen from their conduct and the evidence that has accumulated from its own material as a mouth piece of the coalition of NGO’s and opposition promoting Regime Change in Malaysia. Amongst these other groups promoting Regime Change in Malaysia are Bersih and the Malaysian Bar.

Hillary Clinton now facing the real prospect of impeachment regardless of whether she wins the presidency of the USA is feeling the heat of her campaigns for Regime Change abroad.

Denied by her thus far, emerging, damming, evidence of Hillary’s private foreign adventures to bring about Regime Change abroad puts her squarely in the firing line of US law enforcement authorities for having funded subversive groups like Bersih and the Malaysian Bar whilst secretary of state. Along with her being investigated is her ‘cover’ George Soros. And evidence of their combined illegal activities are beginning to tear at the heart of her presidential ambitions.

The  mood in the US has turned ugly and highly polarised whilst the real object of Malaysian ‘NGO’s and as they prefer to  be called and ‘independent’media portals like Malaysia Kini is beginning to surface in the fall out of the FBI investigations into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

In Syria in recent weeks the government forces have begun to retake the high ground weakening ISIS another adventure indirectly said to be funded or at the least tacitly aided by a Hillary/ George Soros/ Saudi joint venture.

In Egypt Gen. Al Sisi is facing the heat of resistance to his illegitimate government a by product of Regime Change; and in Malaysia, the Malays, the majority have begun to unleash their pent up anger directing it at Malaysiakini after nearly a decade of suffering humiliation and the insults of an unmandated raft of foreign funded political groups like Bersih, Malaysiakini and the Malaysian Bar.


