Trump victory proves media full of shit and that Malaysians are morons


The Third Force

Politics is a horserace, and a horserace is a gamble. In quite a few religions, gambling is forbidden. Hours ago, the Christian majority of the United States of America (US) sinned as they gambled their future into the hands of Donald J. Trump.

It was a sin worth committing.

The Donald clinched victory after trumping his competition in Pennsylvania by 20 electoral votes. Now the President-elect, the Donald thanked Americans for their support, telling a huge crowd gathered at the Hilton Hotel in New York that Hillary Clinton had called him to concede defeat. The Fox news network reported him as thanking Hillary for “a hard-fought fight to the finish.”

“We owe her a major debt of gratitude,” he said. But I doubt that gratitude is going hold up for more than a month, if not two, tops.

The billionaire real estate developer announced his candidacy as presidential hopeful on the 16th of June 2015 amid a packed Republican field. Back then, everyone named Senator Jeb Bush as the party favourite. But Bush was trumped no sooner than you could say “Trump.”

Over on the Democratic aisle, Hillary was faced with four contenders, three relatively unknown and the fourth, a Senator from Vermont. Bernie Sanders was the Democratic favourite, but Hillary and her campaign managers worked hard to derail Bernie’s campaign by sabotaging the primary calendar. Mid last July, Bernie dropped out of the race, leaving Hillary a free Democratic ticket to contend against the Donald “for her dear life.”

Still, the odds were stacked heavily against Hillary amid probes into an email scandal. Hillary was accused of both fabricating and concealing evidence pertaining to an attack on US compounds in Benghazi. The US secretary of state had allegedly deleted “private emails” from her server, fuelling speculation that she either intended to protect a certain terrorist group or had been funding them.

The Benghazi massacre claimed four American lives, including that of US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. Trump repeatedly pledged to his campaign that he would get to the bottom of conspiracies involving both Hillary and the Obama administration, which many agree are braided in a decades-old conspiracy to spirit funds into the coffers of mysterious drug cartels and warlords.

A familiar name in the Obama administration is that of Loretta Lynch. A source in the know from California, an attorney, seems to agree that Lynch was tasked with reversing the perception that the US government had “actively funded and protected certain terrorist groups from the Middle East since 1993.” A third party source from the US confirmed to me that the attorney was willing to work with anyone over what the attorney alleged were “fraudulent claims that were made by Lynch against some parties in Malaysia.”

Following Lynch’s nomination as US attorney-general, a massive data-leak told of a conspiracy by the Swiss banking arm of HSBC to help drug lords and terrorists spirit out dirty money worth billions and billions of dollars from the Middle East through US and global financial systems. Both the Clinton and Obama administrations were believed to have established and funded hardliner Islamist militant groups in Libya, now referred to as ISIS, providing them with artillery and military training since the mid 90’s. Back in 2014, Lynch virtually let banking officials from the HSBC off the hook.

Meanwhile, Hillary had used her private email server to receive and send classified government information while she ran the State Department. The FBI correctly undertook to probe her for mismanaging delicate national defence information. Later, the bureau expanded its discovery to rule in the possibility that Hillary may have fabricated evidence that she delivered to investigative committees. Many began to suspect that some of the emails linked to the drug cartels and warlords that Obama was said to be protecting.

However, Hillary’s case gradually dissipated into thin air. While the legal fraternity was loud and clear with cries of negligence, the Obama administration worked hard to whitewash her crime. On the 6th of July 2016, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) mysteriously closed investigations into the email cock-up without any criminal charges being brought against Hillary. This, despite there being top officials within the FBI who swore that Hillary had flouted serious Federal laws.

And as if to add salt to the wound, Lynch made official the decision by the US DoJ with a press release that went as follows:

“I received and accepted their (the FBI) unanimous recommendation that the thorough, yearlong investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation.”

She lied. The FBI was split right in the middle over the email controversy.

Then, in a last ditch effort to sway the ballot in Hillary’s favour, FBI Director James Comey announced to Congress two days back that “a review of new Hillary Clinton emails has not changed our conclusions from earlier this year that she should not face charges.”

It was yet another lie.

Lie after lie by the same FBI, the same Lynch and the same US DoJ that just last July, ruffled some feathers in Malaysia over claims that money was stolen from 1MDB. Not only were investigations by the FBI skewed against the administration of Najib Razak, there was nothing to suggest that money from 1MDB was stolen or had been laundered through the US financial system, as Lynch had so gallantly implied.

But all that is now history. Trump’s victory is sure as hell bad news for the Obama administration. The Donald had repeatedly sworn to his campaign during the presidential race that he would re-open Hillary’s files and keep her under lock and key if found guilty. Now that he’s the next president, the only thing stopping him from getting his hands around Hillary’s and Lunch’s throats is if the two were to vaporize into thin air.

So one might say, “thank god for Trump.” I’ll admit, chances of a sway in Hillary’s favour was there all along. The Obama administration tried every trick in the electoral book to trump Trump’s advances to the White House.

For instance, there is the case of Roger Ailes, who was forced into early retirement owing to an alleged sex scandal. Not only did the founder of Fox News throw his weight behind the Trump campaign, he got The O’Reilly Factor, an American talk show featured on the Fox News Channel, to imply that it may take an outsider like “the Donald” to defeat ISIS and the jihadists.

It was an effective strategy. O’Reilly, being the number one talk show host and the most influential in American television history, riled up millions of Americans against Hillary with just one episode. Obama saw how O’Reilly had plunged Hillary’s approval ratings to floor at never before seen lows. He knew something had to be done.

Then, as if a bolt from the blue, Gretchen Carlson, an anchor with Fox who left the network last June, filed a harassment suit against Ailes a month later claiming that he had “ogled her in his office.” Alies was forced to resign from Fox News and was succeeded by Rupert Murdoch.

Murdoch’s family has long owned 21st Century Fox and News Corp through the Murdoch Family Trust. Both Murdoch and Trump immediately entered into an agreement of sorts that guaranteed Murdoch’s unbiased reporting on the presidential race. All in all, Trump has not forgotten how the Hillary campaign derided Alies for Fox’s coverage of his speeches. If I didn’t know Trump or Murdoch any better, I’d say Hillary is in for a rough patch ahead.

And so is talk show host Steven Colbert of the CBS The Late Show. He joined the league of other talk show hosts, the likes of Jimmy Fallon and Trevor Noah (who replaced Jon Stewart on The Daily Show), to stoop below acceptable standards of broadcasting by turning late night family satires into heavily partisan arenas to split the American voters. I think David Letterman should never have given his show away to Colbert in the first place.

And talk about the CNN. The news network was dubbed the “Clinton News Network” throughout the gruelling nine month campaign that began with a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses staggered among 50 states, the District of Columbia and US territories. So desperate was the news channel, its anchor, Dana Bash, admitted on the 7th of September 2016 that it had “lowered the bar for Donald Trump and goes easier on him with its coverage because it expect less out of the GOP (Republican) nominee.”

The NBC news network did not even make an attempt to hide its bias by going straight out of the news business. The network was reportedly “shy about reporting on the massive amount of e-mails being released through WikiLeaks, but more than willing to give time to anyone who says anything bad about Trump,” even if it were from your milkman.

Yes, the Obama administration had a heavy tap and a heavy hand on all six media corporations that run 90 percent of news all across America and the world over. These are the networks that turned Russian President Vladimir Putin into a tyrant, Saddam Hussein into a terrorist, and Najb into a dictator. Disney, GE, Viacom, Time Warner, News Corp, CBS – they’re all in it together. Fox had the guts to walk down the aisle alone, guarded by principle.

And Fox seems to be the only channel that distanced itself the most from former premier Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. So what did the 90 percent of fake reporting by the American dominated news networks the world over prove?

It proved that more than 40 percent of Malaysians who believe what Mahathir and the likes of the Wall Street Journal tell them are morons.
