Now in PPBM, former EC chairman eyes election bid


(MMO) – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) vice-president Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman said he will “definitely” contest in the next general election if he is given the chance to do so.

The former Election Commission (EC) chairman also said it was necessary to be the party in power in order to make changes to the country.

However, he said the decision was up to the party leadership.

“Contest in election, maybe. Definitely, if given the opportunity,” he told reporters outside the Bukit Aman federal police headquarters.

He was there to support PPBM president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who was questioned by the police for allegedly breaching the Official Secrets Act 1972 by revealing Cabinet meeting detail in Parliament.

He said he would use his knowledge and experience to help his party and for the good of the country.

“I wanted a platform to fight for justice, for proper management of the country. I see a lot of damage has been done to the country,” Abdul Rashid, who is also a Perkasa member, said.

Abdul Rashid joined the  Malay rights group in 2013, purportedly to keep the dominant Malay community in power.

While opening Perkasa’s Federal Territory annual general meeting that year, he was quoted as saying that the three redelineation exercises during his term at the EC, which were done “in a proper way”, had ensured the continued political dominance of the Malays.
