5 reasons Bersih turnout of Malays will be low



(1) PAS staying far, far away

PAS people don’t even want to be in the same room with DAP as evidenced by their no-show at the recent Pakatan Harapan conclave.

It was the Parti Islam cadres who previously formed the backbone of Bersih 1.0 and Bersih 2.0. And when PAS is missing in action, what happens is something like Bersih 4.0 — a conspicuously Chinese-dominated affair.

(2) Church playing too prominent a role

The Muslim grassroots had shied away from Bersih 4.0 but they will avoid Bersih 5.0 like a plague now that they’ve seen the close involvement of the church in the upcoming Yellow Shirts rally.

While the Muslim NGOs have not openly spoken out against Bersih 5.0, neither have they voiced any tacit support for the Nov 19 event.

With the exception of a small group aligned to PAN, the rest are not mobilizing.

(3) PAN lacks bean counters

PAN has not transcended being a mosquito party. The splinter outfit’s weak networking was demonstrated by its inability to draw the ceramah crowd after breaking away from the mothership.

Unlike PAS’s legendary army of foot soldiers, PAN comprises too many chiefs and too few worker ants.

The upshot is PAN has precious little manpower to contribute to the Bersih field.


