Exposed! The Star’s pro-Bersih stance


Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid, Tanjak

Finally, the mask comes off! The Star has ipso facto declared itself the official spokesperson for the anarchist group Bersih.

There is a common term employed in communication to denote the contents of a document or statement without having to describe the same at length. It is called “self-explanatory” which means that the contents themselves do the best job at explaining the motive or purpose behind a document or statement. In Malay, the saying “sudah terang lagi bersuluh” i.e. shining upon something already bright in itself, is used.

Such is apt to describe the front page of today’s Star (November 19, 2016). This national level, liberal minded and pro-DAP English language daily which has hitherto hidden its disdain for everything Malay Muslim by presenting so-called news on the position of Islam and the affairs of Muslims in a negative light within its news and editorials, has now finally come out in open support of the agenda of Bersih and opposition politics.

It is not therefore far-fetched to conclude that The Star is a sister newspiece to the The Rocket, DAP’s official mouthpiece. The daily is a haven for writers and journalists whose role isn’t that far off from that of opposition cybertroopers on the internet (such as the infamous RBA) which are renowned for their hatred, deception, falsehoods and spin when it comes to news involving Islam.

Without doubt, the Christian evangelist agenda features prominently within the pages of this daily as well.



