Not straight any more


Another Brick in the Wall

Bersih is the flavour of conversation over the weekend.

It is seldom claimed as synonymous with the LGBT cause. To put the above picture, it does not mean this posting is about Bersih 5.0.

It is about education. In more specific term, it refers to the UPSR results last Thursday. There will be the mad rush of Malay parents seeking to enroll their children into boarding schools on Monday.

Education is not one subject we love to talk about. First, though having post graduate education, we are not an educationist.

The best people to speak on education should be experts and practitioners like teachers, academicians, researchers, etc. Not even PIBG or parental groups like PAGE, whose motivation is self interest and not the education interest for all Malaysians.

Allowing it be turned into a political referendum like what Tan Sri Muhyiddin did with his Education Blueprint effort was a disaster.

Everyone think they know education just because they went to school and have observations of their children and the few schools they are familiar with.

Secondly, most common discussion on education is narrowed to schooling or University. By right, education should also be seen as a continuous life long process to for the whole population.


