Muslim NGO wants Guan Eng probed for sedition


Before DAP’s bust-up with PAS, some Chinese supported hudud


Muafakat vice president A. Karim Omar lodged a police report yesterday against Lim Guan Eng in connection with the DAP sec-gen’s press statement titled MCA, MIC, Gerakan and SUPP should withdraw from BN following BN’s endorsement of hudud-like laws.

According to the Muslim NGO, Lim had intentionally provided an erroneous impression with regard the proposed amendments to Act 355 currently being presented in Parliament by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

DAP opposes “hudud-like laws” contrary to FedCon

Challenging the BN non-Muslim component parties, Lim in his statement alleged, “Raising the punishment cap so that it can come closer to Hudud provisions would contravene the Federal Constitution in both spirit and substance”.

He accused MCA, MIC, Gerakan and SUPP of deceiving the people “by supporting Umno that is willing to work together with PAS to bypass the Federal Constitution to allow these laws to take effect”.

Muafakat together with other Muslim NGOs find contentious DAP’s claim that the RUU355 amendments are “unconstitutional measures” which will move Malaysia “closer to Hudud-like laws”.

BELOW: Clarion call by Lim to the BN non-Muslim parties


