Wikileaks, DC Leaks, Malaysia BERSIH, Maria Chin, SOSMA and the Ukraine Experience

bersih soros


This is a long blog post but a deadly serious subject like this certainly requires it.

In the middle of this year, exposes and leaks by both WikiLeaks and DC Leaks have shocked the US presidential elections. This got Hilary Clinton into a lot of trouble with the FBI. Many of these leaks also concerned George Soros’ Opens Society Foundation.

2,576 files predominately related to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. The leak included the Foundation’s internal work plans, strategies, priorities and other worldwide activities by Soros.

There are many references to Malaysia and a mysterious “Malaysia Program” are in these documents.

This particular document caught my eye as this review of George Soros activities towards “free and fair” elections in Malaysia alleges funding, training and assistance by George Soros to BERSIH, Merdeka Center, the BAR council and MalaysiaKini – all of whom have since publicly confirmed their links with OSF.

The document also says George Soros has a personal interest in Malaysia while it suggest that they want opposition to win but do no want to be too blatant to show that.

