Name and shame the RBA too


Lor Ka Hoo and wife Tan Sit Fun’s bullying of an MBSA traffic officer was recorded on a viral video clip. The couple have been charged and sentenced to a fine and a fortnight’s jail. Cyber bullies who carry out criminal intimidation and harassment online need to be similarly caught and punished.

By Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid, Tanjak

Islam-bashing, Malay/Muslim-hating press coverage …

Racist, chauvinistic op-eds, opinions and ‘viewpoints’ …

Divisive and pernicious reporting and commentary … Such is the hallmark of the bigoted and extremist mindset in our media and social media.

There is this common narrative among those whose pen and keyboard are very much accustomed to smear, deride, mock and taunt the Malays and Muslims.

Whenever an opportunity arises, they can be relied upon to heap ridicule and pour scorn, not only on the Malays and Muslims but even members of their own race.

They will attack in a frenzied manner as long as it serves their political agenda and masters, their malevolent patrons, campaign donors and foreign sponsors.

These are the groups comprising of left-wing liberals, secular and freethinker columnists, editors, staunch evangelical and human rights activists including opportunists from among the proponents of regime change in favour of political instability.


Radical freethinker Boo Su-Lyn (seen above in hijab) wants Islam-related article in constitution abolished

SOP — demonize others who think differently

The standard operating procedure would always be to point all faults, sins of commission and omission and all causes of problems to either the Muslims, Malays, ruling party or Islamic institutions and personalities.

The self-righteous moral crusaders do this recklessly and with utter disdain. In the process, they themselves trample upon any forms of decency, moral uprightness and regard for human dignity.

They will employ all resources at their disposal to portray anybody not aligned to their agenda as “extremists”, “bigots”, “racists”, anti-unity, poison and a threat to the nation.

In other words, those who are NOT WITH THEM will be consistently painted and ‘exposed’ as the enemy of the state (‘state’ here meaning their own utopian version of Middle Malaysia).

The fact that the liberal group is the real object whom they accuse others to be is lost in their preemptive strike against opponents.

Their cunning, dangerous, slanderous and defamatory acts are not regarded as sinful in the eyes of these self-declared liberals more suitably termed as rabid Islamofascists, ultra-kiasus and extreme leftists.

It is very easy to understand the mental process of these self-righteous individuals who claim to want to protect Malaysia from the threat posed by so-called Muslim fundamentalists, ultra nationalists and purportedly anti-national unity Malays.

For example, Malaysiakini columnist S. Thayaparan wrote, “the Pahang mufti declaring … Whoever is ‘kafir’ (infidel) and against Islam’ and therefore an enemy of Islam [the implication being] who can be killed” (see screenshot below).


