Act 355 not about introducing hudud – PM Najib


(Malaysia Outlook) – Non-Muslims must understand that the amendment of the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) is not about introducing hudud, but merely aims to increase the powers of the Syariah court.

Prime Minister Najib Razak noted that it is also not unusual for Barisan Nasional and Pas to be on the same page, saying that there were times both parties shared the same views and that included matters such as Act 355.

“It (Act 355) has nothing to do with the non-Muslims at all,” NST Online reported as he saying during TV3’s Soal Jawab programme last night.

Najib’s remark comes after various political parties and social movements had called for lawmakers to reject the Pas’ private member’s bill, which they claim is aimed at paving the way for the implementation of Islamic corporal punishment.

Pushed by Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, the bill seeks to amend the Act to empower Islamic courts to enforce punishment, except for the death penalty, provided in Syariah laws for Islamic offences listed under state jurisdiction in the Federal Constitution.

Syariah court punishments are currently limited to jail terms not exceeding three years, whipping of not more than six strokes, or fines of not more than RM5,000.

Najib stressed that the matter is not about hudud.

“What we are doing is a syiar (requirement) in Islam; it is a Muslim affair.

The non-Muslims must understand that this is not about hudud but about empowering the Syariah Courts,” he said.

