KJ: Dr M is perfect example of Melayu mudah lupa


(The Star) – Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin (pic) launched a scathing attack on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the wing’s general assembly on Wednesday, labelling him “the Malay who has forgotten.”

Drawing on Dr Mahathir’s once famous phrase ‘Melayu mudah lupa’ (Malays forget easily), Khairy said the former prime minister’s actions today had epitomised those exact words.

In a series of “then and now” videos played during his policy speech, Khairy pointed out that Dr Mahathir had openly criticised and vehemently opposed the same people he now shared a stage with.

“As that leader said – Melayu mudah lupa. Melayu mudah lupa. Melayu mudah lupa.

“Back then, he dismissed Bersih. But now, he implores people to join Bersih.

“Back then, he accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (then Dr Mahathir’s deputy prime minister) of various allegations.

“Now, they shake hands and exchange pleasantries, whether sincere or not,” Khairy told the delegates.

Launching into a poem, Khairy reminded the former premier and Umno president that the Malays do not easily forget.

“Dear Tun, we in this hall also have a poem for you.

“That the Malays in this hall do not easily forget. That the Malays in this hall are not the Malays mentioned by Tun.

“The Malays in this hall remember your sacrifices, Tun. The Malays in this hall respect your contribution.

“But we also remember your hypocrisy, Tun. We also remember your dictatorship, Tun.

“We also remember your weaknesses. We also remember all the leaders you insulted,” Khairy said to loud cheers at Putra World Trade Centre.

The Umno Youth chief said that the Malays would always remember Dr Mahathir’s betrayal against the party’s struggle and his desire to destroy Umno.

“We will always remember your contribution, Tun. However, your betrayal and desertion, we shall fight to the end.”
